"When the chips are down, the religious right is always happy to - TopicsExpress


"When the chips are down, the religious right is always happy to use the LGBT community as their pawn. Taking a page out of the old conservative playbook, Tea Party Republican Senator Marco Rubio is coming out of the shadows and using all the ammunition he can find to regain his popularity. Wounded on the immigration fight, Rubio is fighting back — by killing the nomination of a black, gay, judge to the federal bench. Ten months ago, President Barack Obama nominated Judge William Thomas to the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Senator Rubio backed Judge Thomas’ nomination last year, but all of a sudden he’s changed his mind. Last year, even just a few months ago, Rubio was flying high. Thinking he was the savior of the Republican Party, Rubio tried to use his position as a Latino from the South to lead the way on immigration. He failed, miserably, and his career took a tumble. Now, Rubio wants to come back into the headlines, and Judge Thomas is one step in his multi-layered plan.... A Rubio spokeswoman, the Times notes, “said in a statement that there were concerns about Judge Thomas’s ‘fitness’ for the federal bench. ‘Those concerns include questions about his judicial temperament and his willingness to impose appropriate criminal sentences,’ the spokeswoman said.” Rubio, who has been all but MIA the past few months, after losing credibility and support when he failed to save immigration — and became viewed as a “RINO” for wanting to solve a problem and help “illegals,” as the GOP likes to call undocumented immigrants, is lashing out and moving far to the right.... Any questions? And if a black, gay man is a casualty, well, remember, politics is war — and the nation be damned."
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:54:25 +0000

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