Where do I start with this post? I have been in agony all - TopicsExpress


Where do I start with this post? I have been in agony all weekend, with toothache, although this is no normal toothache. I was assaulted in the town centre in the summer of 2010, and in front of five police officers who were to bear witness and who also did nothing to apprehend the assailant. I was punched in the side of the face, and the jaw and throat. Two teeth were cracked in the process. The police let the assailant go without charge, without even asking me if I wanted to press charges, they found the whole incident somewhat amusing as per usual. Since the summer of 2010 I have had both of the cracked teeth rotting away in my head. I also had my jaw and throat badly damaged in the process, the general practitioner across the road has confirmed that my jaw has been damaged, the teeth, well their obvious, one is in two parts and the other one has a big crack up the side of it, all of the nerve, root exposed and panging with pain. I went to see a dentist last year, they would not see me, so at the beginning of this year I went to see another dentist. Bearing in mind that there are only so many dentists in the town. That was January of this year. She said at the time that the one at the back, the molar, of which only half is left intact, was badly damaged and possibly would need to come out, the other one supposedly needs a root canal filling. There was no infection although she was prodding about in my mouth with something. I remember she touched the tooth and I felt some pain and she mentioned that the tooth was infected and prescribed some antibiotics. Later that day the tooth she touched was panging and throbbing with pain as though suddenly it was infected. I decided not to take any antibiotics and cleaned it out with mouthwash and scrubbed it with the electric toothbrush, and the infection was gone within two days. So they don’t book me in again, the months pass, the cracks get lager, bearing in mind the cracks were caused from being assaulted in the town centre, punched in the face in 2010 as well as my jaw and throat being damaged. So I try to see another dentist, the headlands who hooked me up to be tortured for years on end where I am living, SS Thandi, the Asian Aryan, seems to have left, so I tried the other dental practitioners across the road, nothing, they are not taking on anymore patients, that leaves only Northfields dental practice, who I have just mentioned. They are based adjacent the hospital that wilfully damaged my hip and knee in May of 2008, by the roundabout. Every morning I try to phone them, they won’t give me a booking, this goes on for months, now the pain in the teeth is getting quite bad, more pieces of the teeth are falling out, and more nerve/root is exposed. It’s about March time of this year; I keep on trying to get booked in by phoning them up in the morning, no bookings. For the past few months the pain has been intense, keeping me up all night, panging, throbbing in the right jaw, the teeth, if not the leg, hip and knee injury causing me excruciating pain tanks to the injury caused on purpose at Kettering general Hospital in 2008, then it is the teeth that have been damaged in 2010. So all year phoning them up and I cannot get an appointment, so this morning, whilst in agony, I got up and phoned them at 8 am as I have done in the past. None of the phone boxes in the town are taking any money, strange, also bearing in mind that I also hobbled there the other morning at 8 am and they wouldn’t book me in, and the receptionist had a funny attitude. So I hobble to the dentist’s, I get there and apparently all of their phones in the dental practice are down as well, what a coincidence. None of the phone boxes taking cash, the dentist’s receptions phones are down! Now after seven months I finally get another appointment as an emergency. I get in there and she says she will take both of them out, then she asks me, do I want both of them out, I explain that the one at the back could be taken out and the one at the front could be filled and capped etc. She says she cannot do any work of that nature, although she can extract them. She explains that I am right and the one at the front could be filled and possibly capped and the one at the back could also be salvaged with filling. Although she is not willing to do that, she is only willing to extract them. I ask if she could put some temporary filling in until I can see a dentist that can do that work. She won’t do so, clamming that a temporary filling will make the pain worst, according to her a temporary filling will place pressure on the tooth. Which is a lie, as I had a temporary filling in that same tooth for a whole year, that had been placed in the cavity about six months after being punched in the face, having my teeth cracked and damaged in the summer of 2010. That would have been the autumn/winter of 2010 that the temporary filling was put in, it did the trick! That was at a different dentist which has since shut down. The temporary filling worked a treat back then, although she is making out that she cannot and will not, she prescribed some antibiotics and that was it, not a solution, I am not looking for immunodeficiency syndrome or a bout of immuno-incompetence or decreased immuno-competence brought on from taking antibiotics, I am looking for them to do what they are supposed to be doing. It goes like this, today I am going to have a big moan on and off concerning what is taking place here in Northamptonshire, two groups living about me, Gary and the incident mentioned last week, all of his plotting over the year behind the scenes, if he is the Gary I believe him to be and the relatives of John Bacon and their grudge. Because it is quite apparent that this communal phallic narcissism is down to that dickhead being a major influence behind closed doors, as there is no other explanation. The colluding, conniving and contriving of the NHS, who are committing serious offences, human rights violations and are also involved in the inducing of all manner of suffering and exploitation whilst assisting those partaking in acts of ritual social abuse. Whether the injury caused on purpose to the hip and knee, my knee being twisted beyond its ROM, range of motion and wilful dislocating of my hip. Or all of the incidents with butchering or malicious dentists going back years, all the way back to the incident in 2001 which I will explain later today. Or incidents with members of the general public ranging from knife assaults, to acts of GBH/ABH, people trying to punch all of my teeth out of my head or prick police officers giving me a grief for no good reason, it must be a Palmer, Dixon, Bacon thing. So what I have is a long list of offences by those that seek to exploit my personal well being by influencing social dynamics. Whether that happens to be incitement taking place with members of the general public and the encouraging of themselves to partake in a sustained pattern of offending or so called professionals who liaise with perverted and corrupt clerics. A prime example being acts of clinical nonfeasance and wilfully appropriated negligence and clinical malice as they use the NHS service as a weapon against me.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 11:15:55 +0000

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