Whether you believe these police shootings are real or not, these - TopicsExpress


Whether you believe these police shootings are real or not, these are opportunities to do what we should of been doing all along. The highest will only give us so many opportunities to get it right and no longer fall for traps. The truth is the traps and poison will always exist, you will always have poison presented to you... the determining factor or outcome depends on whether you fall for tricks again. The small majority of us who attempt to practice group economics cant do it alone, well barely put a dent in anything.. barely budge a stone. The vast majority of you have no interest in building in Africa and so your only solution at this point is group economics and parallel economies built on the talents, skills and trades weve acquired thus far in America. I know a lot of you are tired, and at times it feels youre talking to the air, but its important to keep speaking on these issues through the jokes and the entertainment we display on social media. Everyday take out time or room to address these solutions, even if 10 or 20 people catch on out of 4,000 its still better than nothing... were running out of time in America. Its important that you build... and when I say build not in a cult, not in a superficial selective group of people with their heads in the air, but with the vast majority of African Americans. Pass this message on... recreate your own message, start in the surrounding areas around you where your people are tired of living in a world where they arent accepted and build, build build... You have the power... youre the next Malcolm X, you are the next Marcus Garvey, you are the the one that youve been waiting on this entire time. You arent waiting on a new leader to emerge... you are waiting on yourself. Collectively we embody these great souls that once walked the planet.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:59:07 +0000

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