White Family Update: Its been a while since weve posted and quite - TopicsExpress


White Family Update: Its been a while since weve posted and quite frankly we dont know where to start. We have been working pretty hard each day at our rental house to make it as much of a furnished home as we can and to get the kids settled in. It feels like so much to do in such a short time since Baby White #4 is due in just two weeks now. Again, wed like to reiterate how grateful we are for everything you all have done for us to help us through this time. Your generous donations of clothes are what we are wearing each day so if you see us around town in one of your jackets, maternity shirts, or play clothes give us a hello and know that youve made a huge difference in our lives. Donated toys have been a greater blessing than we can say in making all this easier on the kids. Meals have been a tremendous help since we havent quite finished getting all we need for the kitchen yet. Gift cards have greatly lifted the weight of having to replace so many necessities so quickly. Your prayers, friendship, and words of encouragement have strengthened us. There is no way that we would have been able to bounce back nearly as fast as we have without the help and support of our community. These last few weeks have truly been an emotional roller coaster but you have all helped us every step of the way. Although a long road lies ahead, we take great comfort in knowing that we are not walking it alone. We look forward to having the house turned back over to us so that we may begin the rebuilding process. It is still very difficult if not impossible to put together the right words to say to express our thanks to the community but again, from the bottom of our hearts we thank you! We will do our best to keep everybody who is interested updated on the progress of our rebuilding and on how we are doing as a family. Good night and God bless.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:49:03 +0000

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