Who is the anti Christ? The last battle in this controversy - TopicsExpress


Who is the anti Christ? The last battle in this controversy between. Good and evil centers in the law of God. Satan hates the eternal principles that are the basis of the heavenly government. He desires to lead all to violate Gods law and disregard the eternal foundation of His throne. His special attack focuses upon the Fourth Commandment, which exalts Jesus az the Creator. The Seventh day Sabbath is a memorial to Christs creative activity. As such, it is an eternal symbol of both our rest in Christ for salvation and our absolute loyalty to Him. Therefore, satan has made it the center of his attack. Since there is no command in the Bible to observe sunday, certain obvious questions arise. Who is responsible for the change, and when did it take place? Is there information in the Bible forecasting such an attempt to change Gods law? The answer is found in symbolic vision by the prophet Daniel. Search the answer in your Bible to the following questions: 1. When did Daniel see the visions? Daniel 7:1-3 2. What is represented by the symbols of Wind, sea, and beasts? Jeremiah 49:36,37; Revelation 17:15; Daniel 7:17,24. 3. How many beasts did Daniel see and what were they? Daniel 7:4,8. In Day girl 7, the prophet pictures four great beasts rising out of the sea (V3). These beasts represent four great kingdoms that arise in succession, Daniel 7:17. The four great nations that ruled for many centuries from Daniels time, are Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome. The four beasts are a fitting description of these ruling powers. A lion with eagles wings has been found on Babylonian coins and on brickwork of ancient Babylonian buildings. The king of beasts is a fitting symbol of the king of empires. The prophet Jeremiah describes Babylon as a lion, Jeremiah 4:7. Media-Persia, as a dual empire, came into prominence by destroying Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt, and soon the Persians dose to ascendancy over the Medes. The Bible aptly describes this empire as a bear raising himself on one side with three ribs in his mouth. A leopard with wings clearly describes how Greece, under Alexander the Great, swiftly conquered the nations of his day and the dragon like beast, dreadful, terrible and exceeding strong, describes well the fierceness of Rome. Lets discover the identity of this beast of Daniel 7 which had 10 horns. Then we will learn the role of its eleventh horn in changing Gods law. 4. According to Daniel 7 8, what came up after the ten horns of the Roman empire? 5. Where did this little horn arise? Daniel 7:8 Whoever this little horn is, it arises among the ten horns, the divisions of the Roman empire. Arising out of Rome, it dominates the world. 6. When did this little horn arise? Daniel 7:23. The little horn arises after the fall of the Roman empire. If was raising Fo promise end somewhere between 351 AD and 476 AD. 7. What special ice gift I g characteristics does this little horn have? Daniel 7:8. Eyes in the Bible represent wisdom. Ancient prophets were called seers. They saw with divine wisdom into the future. This power does not have the eyes of the wisdom of God but substituted human wisdom for divine truth. The little horn substitutes human authority for the eternal claims of Gods law. He replaces Gods law with human traditions. 8. What does the little horn do to the people of God? Daniel 7:25 The little horn oppresses those who do not accept its authority. It defends its traditions and persecuted those who do not conform. 9. How long would it reign? Daniel 7:25 A time equals a prophetic year. Times (or two times as stated in the margin of some Bible versions) would be two years, half a time equals one half a year. This makes a total of 3 1/2 years or 1260 days, calculating at 360 days I. A prophetic year. Revelation 12:6,13,14 equates the 1260 years with the time, times and one half time. In 538 AD, church and state united in Europe. The pagan Roman Emperor, Justinian, gave to the pope of Rome civil as well as religious authority. Eventually this resulted in severe persecution. The Dark Ages followed on the heels of this union. Gods people were imprisoned, tortured and martyred. From 538 AD to 1798 AD, this union of church and state Fo Tri bed throughout Europe. 10. What would this power, based upon human wisdom, do to the truth of God? Daniel 8:12 11. How did the Apostle Paul describe this apostasy in early Christianity? Acts 20:30 In Daniel 7:24, the little horn described as being different from the other ten horns. The ten kingdoms are political. The little horn is clearly an apostate religious power. 12. As the crowning act in apostacy from God, what would this little horn power attempt to do with cha law of God? Daniel 7:25 What power arose by destroying three of the ten tribes into which pagan Rome was divided? Which power was not merely political but religious? Which has made boastful, presumptuous claims about its authority? Which had persecuted the people of God, has reigned for 1260 years, and attempted to cha ge Gods law? There is only one power in history that could fit into this clear declineation.... Papal Rome
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 20:23:11 +0000

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