Why Mobile Applications Are A Necessity The world is clearly - TopicsExpress


Why Mobile Applications Are A Necessity The world is clearly going mobile, and more so each and every day, with literally millions of new Smartphone activations daily. A very sizeable portion of your potential market has already gone mobile, and this portion is growing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis, Already over 85% of small business owners in America have Smartphones; and the overall penetration here in the US is in excess of 100% – yes, there are now more Smartphones and Tablets in active use than there are people! Marketing means, in essence, ensuring your products and services are right in front of your market. A couple of centuries ago, marketing involved little else than loading your products onto a cart and then taking them to market; and in true ‘the-early-bird-gets-the-worm’ fashion, the first ones to get to the market would get the main share of the sales. Various new-fangled technologies have come into come into the fore since then, each to be replaced by the next development in communications technology. Over the last couple of decades, websites grew into being the premier marketing vehicle, or ‘cart,’ of the modern age. And it’s relevant to note that, just as a cart doesn’t pull itself to market, but requires a horse or tractor or whatever, a website also needs to be pulled into the forefront of its market’s awareness by what became known as Search Engine Optimization. Without a suitably professional level of ‘SEO,’ a website is like a cart being pulled by a lame horse – so that by the time it shows up in the market, most of the potential buyers there have already selected their vendors and left. Well, over the last 5 years, the communications industry has been developing Mobile as the new predominant market-place. HTML5 has become the I.T. industry standard for website building, because it allows full integration with Mobile. Windows 8 is about to come out, and is set to revolutionize how we engage with the internet – it is literally a mobile platform designed to transition computer users (i.e. virtually everyone!) to the world of mobile. Websites are clearly still a major factor in modern marketing … yet they are no longer the most dominant factor. In the last 12 months, searching the internet via computers has decreased by 50% … because of the unprecedented expansion of Mobile. So that during the same period, Mobile searching has increased by over 400%, and continues to grow at a rate in excess of 20% a month! No industry in history has demonstrated such growth! But not only are 6 ½ times as many searches being conducted via Mobile Apps than on computers, but the intrinsic nature of Mobile is such that when people are searching via Mobile, they have 9 ½ times more intent to buy than those who are searching via websites, which are much more conducive than Mobile to mere casual ‘window-shopping.’ Today’s market has gone Mobile – and your access to it is your own Mobile App. Contact us today to have all your questions answered about this new world, and how you can best position your own business to maximize your potential in it. The mobile application market is one of the most booming areas of technological growth over the last five years, as a matter of fact; it is one of the fastest growing industries EVER! As a result companies are increasingly turning towards mobile applications to help communicate their message to clients. And this is where Mobile App development comes in – Mobile Applications are to Smartphones as Websites are to computers. Businesses of all kinds, whether they are Business-to-Business or Business-to-Consumer focused, have seen tremendous growth resulting from using Mobile Apps. Traditional marketing has been aimed at diverting people’s attention from what they’re really interested in towards whatever you may be offering, as through an ad in the paper, or a commercial in the middle of their favorite TV program, for example. But the beauty of Mobile Apps, in this new mobile world where virtually everyone already has or will soon be getting a Smartphone or Tablet, is simply this: … people want your Mobile Applications and are actively looking for them! To get started on developing your own Mobile App, Madlabs Mobile Apps is here to answer all of your questions, and to help focus your market’s attention on your business via your own custom-built cross platform Mobile App. Just email us at [email protected] or by calling (973. ) 1784-1133
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 06:52:05 +0000

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