Why San Martin, why Tarapoto, why this region? If you were to - TopicsExpress


Why San Martin, why Tarapoto, why this region? If you were to go to the main town square of Tarapoto on any given night, you are sure to find some “gringos”. And they are not all tourist either, most of them actually live here. And not only Tarapoto, but the whole region of San Martin is peppered by gringos settling. The first wave appears to have been Europeans and there is a particularly larger number of French expats within the bunch that have acquired land all over. There are those that like their quietness and prefer the isolation that the jungle could offer, and others are using their land in various ways, for community living, for agriculture, for healing and spiritual centers, for ayahuasca rituals, etc. All this influx of individuals is definitely changing the mosaic of the fabric of the region, and all might not agree with this, but I think it is for the better, since while it is true that change is the only constant, in this case the change is a collaboration of the whole world with the local people, not an exclusion or division in any shape or form. It is a challenge, but the appeal of this place is that it is uniting a lot of individuals with high vibrations, and most of the locals are fond of gringos, and welcome us with open arms. I include myself, because I am a gringo here, they call me mister, and I laugh because my Spanish is better than my English, and I am from Ecuador, and in Ecuador gringos is mostly used in reference to Europeans and north Americans, at least where I grew up it was. There are all kinds of new businesses springing up, because, for example, now there is a bigger demand for vegetarian food, so supply will follow. Tarapoto is thirsty for knowledge, they are ready to consider alternatives, and they are ready to listen. You have something to say about new technology? The next day we had four local news channels interviewing us about Nicola Tesla and the QEG, and we were asked by three of the most important Universities in the region to give lectures in the subject. And we were just asked by a group of 6 students from a local secondary school to help them with their school physics fair. There are too few places in the world where you can access the mayor of the big community and offer him alternatives to the current standards and have him actually listen. Why? Because he is not getting money from any big corporation, his votes cannot be bought, he has lived there his whole live and he truly, and sincerely wants what is best for his community. So he listens, and he listens with his heart, and so do we, and just like that we start working together. There is so much we can do NOW to make a difference, and we have the know-how, the experts that are also working from their heart, and not being paid by the system. The people of this area are something else. They are tough, the government tried to fight them in the past, and the locals gathered into a guerilla that just took over. The coca mafia came into the mix too, and there were many years of deaths and struggles, but the moment the local people had an alternative crop from which to make money, namely cacao, coffee, they kicked the mafia out too. They are tough, proud people, and if you smile, they light up and smile right back. They still know how to read you and know when people do not have the best intentions. They are kind and sincere, and it is wonderful to be able to say hi to anybody sitting outside in their porch and getting a friendly reply back. And then there is the natural beauty and the weather. To some it might be too hot at times, but personally, it has never been too hot. There is just so many rivers, hot springs, waterfalls, ponds, mountains, trails, animals, plants, so much of everything, that you could never run out of places to visit and things to do. But keep one thing in mind, coming to Tarapoto does not mean it will automatically unplug you from the matrix, that is simply not so. Your fears, your insecurities, your dependence on money will still travel with you from wherever you are. So if you feel depressed once in a while, you will feel depress once in a while here too. If you need to have total control over your life there, you will do it here too. What this place offers is the opportunity to work more towards what you do want, instead of spending so much energy fighting the system and trying to knock things down, down with racism, down with homophobia, down with religion. Here the tendency is up with permaculture, up with clean water, up with micro-organisms, up with quantum physics; but all within the freedom that we afford ourselves individually. The people are getting together, we know it, we all have different skills and slightly different dreams from one another, but they intertwine, they dance, they dive and come up at the same end, so by doing what we love, we support each other. Together. If you ask want to be here, be here so that you can work on yourself and move forward with other people, learn from them, contribute knowledge, exchange of energies. But if you are like me, you need your alone time as much as you need food. In that case this is a perfect scenario to work on that balance between moving alone, and moving as a group. If you do want to come to this region, please know that you are responsible for yourself and your personal needs. You need to be very honest with yourself and have a list of things you just can’t live without, and see if you can keep it as small as possible. Things like a room (alone, share, washroom), internet, food, clean water, hot water, all that you can think of as essential. Then think of how you can maintain it, will you work locally or using the internet, study supply and demand, is there something you love doing that you might turn into a business. As I said, coming to Tarapoto does not mean leaving the matrix, so you have to make or have some money. If you come with that in mind, and you know you can make money because there is always something to do, than you will have no problem. Your own ability to provide will come into play and you will soon do something to generate enough for your needs. Once there and your needs are met, you can concentrate on what else you want to accomplish, and you go from there. I suggest you ask yourself what you truly want to do next only when your needs are met, from that peace and loving place is from where you should guide your life. Some prices. You can stay at a hostel for about 20 soles (about $8USD) a day. You could also think of renting your own room or your own house. A friend of mine pays about 500 soles ($180USD) a month for a two and a half room house. That is here in Tarapoto, if you go to other smaller communities you will find it even cheaper, but less selection. Tarapoto is where you will find transportation to all the different communities; it is its economic centre, its heart. If you have a lot of money and you want to invest, or are thinking of moving here but want to live comfortable and in a sustainable way, I can help you too. We have a network of contractors, and experts in all types of new technology and building practices, so if what you want is a sacred geometry building to call your home, or earthship, or whatever sustainable idea you might have, we can do that. The ascension process can be in abundance, there is enough for everybody, let’s live knowing that, there is enough for everybody to live comfortable and in abundance. There is a lot going on here, you can do so much here.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 18:29:35 +0000

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