Why are Filipinos idiots? * MUST READ ! ITS FROM A CHINESE MAN. .. - TopicsExpress


Why are Filipinos idiots? * MUST READ ! ITS FROM A CHINESE MAN. .. DISGUSTING ! BE AWARE GUYS As a Chinese, I would have never though about this topic. I never intended to be racist. But given the magnitude of various ordeals with filipinos, my patience has come to an end. FRom being highly respectful and admiring of their diligence and hospitality, I now possess nothing but disgust. It seems that ive been forced to vent my anger. I gave the people and the culture many chances and it seems that they just never fail to disappoint. I have a Filipino Stepmother, I see her family all the time and have alot of Fiiipino classmates. She has made life hell. She lies to my dad about me and makes him yell at me really loud. Tells the family to give less money, even when I study till 2-3 AM each night. Filipinos always go to church, but when they go home, it almost close to hell. I knew from the MANILA MASSACRE, something was wrong with this culture. Here are several aspect contributing to such my negative perception of Filipinos. - Lazy (Waking up at 11 everyday, CANT EVEN WALK TO SUPERMARKET 2 MINUTES FROM HOME. - Narcissistic (I am better than you attitude) - I believe in god, therefore I am better than you - See no problems, hear no problems (ignore all problems, hoping that praying will do the job) - CRAB Mentality (If I cant have it, you cant have it) My family keeps on putting me down and getting in my way. - 10,000 excuses (Fairy tales are made to avoid solving even the most miniscule issues. - Filino Blame Game (Quick to point fingers, but help seems to be non existent) Imelda MArcos Mentality (I CAN BUY ANYTHING, EVEN WHEN YOU ARE DIRT POOR) - Nepotism (they will even go so far to defend their family even when they bully and harass others. - Constant complaining (Some undermine your problems no matter how severe, but they will amplify the magnitude of even the most miniscule problems) - Rudeness (Cant even wait in line, always walk into you, always bump u)
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:01:32 +0000

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