Why isnt anything being done to stop these Executive orders, - TopicsExpress


Why isnt anything being done to stop these Executive orders, usurpation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, VA letting our Veterans die, Extortion 17, Arming ISIS fighters, coordinating, assisting, funding and transporting Illegals into the US, swapping a traitor for five top terrorist commanders and on and on...? One right after another with no consequences... There is nothing the Congress can do on its own. The Senate will not bring anything to a vote with its corrupt Mr. Reid. It seems the only issue Mr Harry Reid is interested in is arming BLM agents with former elite soldiers to attack Nevada Ranchers so his son can make a few million working with a solar corporation. The Department of Justice has been caught red handed running guns in Mexico and the DOD was running guns through Benghazi to arm Islam. While arming Mexican drug cartels and radical Islam the President continues to try and disarm Americans. He just by-passes congress with 23 executive orders. Theyve went from taking guns from felons to taking them for misdemeanor Domestic violence to Restraining orders to returning Veterans to anyone on probation for anything in some states. With so many laws and regulations and the huge police force its just a matter of time before they have most of us on the unable to own fire-arms list. We are just one appointment away from having a solid liberal Supreme Court. The Military is being dismantled while the Department of Homeland Security grows into a standing domestic Army. Otherwise known as a Police State. Effectively destroying the intent of the Posse Comitatus Act. They pass the Patriot act which lets them see and track everything we do; internet, phones, vehicles and more. They pass The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which gives a Police State all the power and completely destroys our Bill of Rights and everything this nation stands for. It gives the government Indefinite Detention Without Due Process ... U.S. citizens arrested on American soil without trial or due process. They now set up FREE SPEECH ZONES and have even made it legal for the government to kill its citizens with no trial whatsoever. There really isnt much left of our Bill of Rights or Constitution. Imagine how fast itll fall after the second amendment is gone. Look what theyre doing with it still somewhat in place. Sunday Afternoon thoughts of a mountain boy... ~ Joe Rue
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:42:51 +0000

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