Will you be around challenging peeps this Christmas? Some folks - TopicsExpress


Will you be around challenging peeps this Christmas? Some folks are just flat rude and unpleasant, but heres a few ways to deal: Gary Smalley taught us to make a list of what is good about them. Then pray that God will help you keep those good qualities in the forefront of your mind. And refer to the list often ;-) This helps us remember they are valuable and worthy of our prayers and love! Also Ive learned from John Beveres book The Bait of Satan that you can think of any offensive thing they say or do as bait on a trap. You can either pick up that bait and consequently become trapped in anger, frustration and offense, or you can choose not to pick it up. Be determined to be a blessing and represent Jesus! So if Billy Bob says, Looks like youve put on some weight this year! You can be smart and refuse to pick up the bait: Yes I have, but Im so thankful that Im on my way to becoming healthier and more fit than ever! God is so good! How are you feeling these days, Billy Bob? See, we have to remember, hurting people hurt people. Fill up with love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness and self control 1st thing in the morning by getting alone with God. Read the Bible and pray and ask Him to help you block all fiery darts the enemy shoots at you with your shield of faith! Refuse to let that stuff penetrate your heart. Instead, keep your heart set on the reason we celebrate Christmas: Jesus Christ is born! The greatest gift has been given to us and we can share that hope and love, bringing His light into dark places! Its not easy, but the more we do it, the better we get at it and everyone will reap the benefits
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:07:20 +0000

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