Willey v. Willey, 683 So. 2d 647, 651 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996) With - TopicsExpress


Willey v. Willey, 683 So. 2d 647, 651 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996) With the focus of so much recent statewide and national attention on the absentee parent and the deadbeat dad, we should do everything within our power to encourage responsible parenthood, which consists not only of the legal obligation of financial support but also the maintenance of a meaningful relationship with the child. We should encourage the noncustodial parent, who is often the father, to view the relationship with his child not as an obligation which he fights every inch of the way, but as a responsibility he rushes to embrace. The ability of the noncustodial parent to develop and maintain a meaningful relationship with the child inures to the benefit of not only the parent, but also the child. While some courts are moving toward recognizing the importance of encouraging divorcing fathers to remain integrally involved in the lives of their children, awarding them primary residential custody, or even rotating custody, is another issue. Overwhelmingly awarding mothers sole or primary residential custody of children may not only be grossly unfair to fathers and children, but the practice may violate fathers constitutional rights to equal protection of the laws, and their fundamental right to parent their children.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:29:24 +0000

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