With only one day left welcome to day 13 of the Ab Challenge! The - TopicsExpress


With only one day left welcome to day 13 of the Ab Challenge! The exercises are as follows: 1.Walk outs w/ alternating knee tucks- keeping abs tight walk out into plank position and then alternate a leg tuck. For an extra challenge, add a pushup to it. 2.Pass the weight- in this exercise you can exchange my kettlebell for a dumbell or a ball. You are going to be up in modified V-up position and you are just going to be alternating extending your legs while passing that weight between them. Bee sure to keep back straight abd chest open. If this is too hard then just have your shoulders off the floor instead of your entire back. 3.Modified V-up with leg drop- lying down in crunch position with your feet up in table you ate going to bring your upper body up to your knees. Once you get your balance you are to drop your legs and then return them before lying back down. 4. Back ext. With shoulder press- giving our abs a mini break we are going to focus on our back with this one! Lying face down on the floor you are to engage in your back and glutes to lift your limbs off the floor. Once lifted you are to bring arms to the side like a shoulder press and then return to start position. 5. Jack knife Crank Crunch- in the last exercise of this circuit you will be in Jack knife position but this time when you crunch up you switch leg position and then being them back when you come down. Complete each exercise for one minute and complete the circuit for 3 sets. Happy crunching! :)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:53:30 +0000

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