With the heightened flu season upon us please take time to review - TopicsExpress


With the heightened flu season upon us please take time to review the District Fever and Exclusion Guidelines. A fever is a physiological response to inflammation or infection, illness or injury, or the result of heat exposure. While not always cause for alarm, it is sometimes the sign of a serious problem. Left untreated, a fever could be uncomfortable, cause dehydration and stress the cardio-vascular system. An oral temperature* of over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a fever. * If the student’s temperature is measured axillary (under the arm), the temperature would be one degree lower than an oral temp (over 99.4 degrees = fever). Initial management of fever while at school: Observe for any appearance of symptoms of disease process and use social distancing from others. Ensure accurate temperature reading; re-check temperature if student has just eaten/drank or been exposed to extreme heat/cold temperatures. Note any recent medication or illnesses in student’s family. During a chill, cover and protect from drafts; chilling raises body temperature. If no chill present, remove heavy outer clothing as reasonable (jackets, sweatshirts, etc.). Apply cold compresses to the forehead. If fever climbs and parent/guardian has not arrived to pick student up, sponge with tepid water, only uncovering small areas (neck, arms, lower legs). If possible, give clear fluids by mouth. Exclusion Guidelines: Students should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 20:36:30 +0000

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