With the heroin epidemic in NEO, here are some signs and symptoms - TopicsExpress


With the heroin epidemic in NEO, here are some signs and symptoms to look for if you think a loved one may be using dope... Behavioral signs of heroin abuse and addiction include: Lying or other deceptive behavior Avoiding eye contact, or distant field of vision Substantial increases in time spent sleeping Increase in slurred, garbled or incoherent speech Sudden worsening of performance in school or work, including expulsion or loss of jobs Decreasing attention to hygiene and physical appearance Loss of motivation and apathy toward future goals Withdrawal from friends and family, instead spending time with new friends with no natural tie Lack of interest in hobbies and favorite activities Repeatedly stealing or borrowing money from loved ones, or unexplained absence of valuables Hostile behaviors toward loved ones, including blaming them for withdrawal or broken commitments Regular comments indicating a decline in self esteem or worsening body image Wearing long pants or long sleeves to hide needle marks, even in very warm weather Users build tolerance to heroin, leading to increases in the frequency and quantity of heroin consumption. With growing tolerance, more definitive physical symptoms of heroin abuse and addiction emerge: Weight loss Runny nose (not explained by other illness or medical condition) Needle track marks visible on arms Infections or abscesses at injection site For women, loss of menstrual cycle (amenorrhea) Cuts, bruises or scabs from skin picking
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 02:51:53 +0000

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