Witnessed another issue today. So Ive been to the park 5 times - TopicsExpress


Witnessed another issue today. So Ive been to the park 5 times and this is the 2nd time Ive had to call to report an incident. I hope this going to be the norm. Ella(Lab/Cur mix) and Velgro(lab) had a play date today around 11:00. They had the water area to themselves for a while, played and had no issues. At some point probably around 11:30 or 11:45 a young women with a brown and white pit bull shows up. Initially her dog was very friendly played fetch with her Frisbee, and played chase with our dogs. At some point Velgro decided to go for the Frisbee. This was not welcomed by the pit and a fight started. The owner could not gain control of her dog. After about 5 to 8 seconds they broke. Velgro went for the Frisbee again and the pit initiated another fight. I put Ella on a leach and tried to help break up the fight. The second altercation last about 5 to 8 seconds. This was not two dogs rough playing with each other this was a pit protecting his toy and aggressively fighting with the dog that messed with it. I seen enough and called the number on the fence. The constables eventually showed up and spoke to all parties. Per the constable its a he said she said situation, if he doesnt seen any visible injuries and doesnt witness the dog being aggressive then his hands are tied. At this point the owner of the pit took her dog to one of the covered areas and was having her dog fetch her Frisbee. The constable says from what he can tell the dog looks non aggressive. Im really frustrated at this point so the constable decides to take me to the fence to show me the number of Animal Control. I thought I called AC but in fact I actually called the constable. While the constable and I were talking the pit gets into another fight with a totally different dog (protecting his toy), the constable heard and witnessed the behavior. The constable now agrees he has enough evidence to ask the owner to leave the park. The most frustrating part of all of this is the ignorance of the owner of the pit. This young women said and I quote my dog was only protecting its toy if the other dog would just let go of the toy when my dog crawls then a fight wouldnt start. She took no ownership or responsibility for her dogs behavior. Im not against all pit bulls but again Ive been to the park 5 times and 2 of those times Ive called to report incidents with pit bulls. If you own a pit take responsibility and train your dog properly, know your dog and if your dog has any aggressive behaviors then keep him or her away from dog parks. NOT ALL DOGS ARE MEANT FOR THE DOG PARK!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 19:40:06 +0000

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