Working on getting a GreatFoodEscape update out into the world. I - TopicsExpress


Working on getting a GreatFoodEscape update out into the world. I want to release it before the end of this year. I have heard feedback from people about what it is like to ask people to buy it. I realize that in this day there is no need to buy recipes. This booklet is not about the recipes. It is about a way to help another person who is in need. At some time, or another, we all have a need. Hopefully the need is never as great as the one I have - or worse, but you just never know what can happen. There is a lot of judgment about people in need. Often it is wrong, and comes from misconceptions and stereotypes that do not represent all labelled a certain way. When you are open and willing to look beyond the labels, you can often see things that are uncomfortable. It can often show something that no one wants to see - because it could be them. I dont blame anyone for wanting to see things as they often do. It is much less inconvenient, and much more comfortable than the truth. I was recently reading something to the effect that if you are aware of a problem, you are part of it. That means that anyone who is aware of my, or anothers struggle, is not as removed as they would like to be. Odds are, a person who doesnt want to help isnt likely going to be receptive to much of this. But I share it because I think it is good to state the things people are thinking quietly, and/or saying behind closed doors, thinking it is safe because they likely would never say it straight to my face or another who had a need. As long as we dont talk about this stuff openly, nothing changes. Nothing even has a chance to change. Marketing-wise I could say this booklet is about the recipes. How yummy and wonderful they are. But it really is about ME, and my need. It really is about helping another human being instead of perhaps getting a latte one day. You, and those you know, work hard for your money, so you should be able to spend it any way you like. So my statement was not a judgment, as I think it can often come off sounding that way. It really is more about perspective. Your $5 latte is a small blip for you. For me, it is a big deal. I do not have a paycheck, and have to figure out how to make what I have work, and find myself begging for more - and writing things like this. I dont know about you, but in this regard, I suspect if you have a paycheck, I would rather be in your position than mine. There was a time I was there, and if I could go back, I would handle things so much differently. I cant say how bad things are for you. Only you know. But I can say how bad they are for me. And it really sucks to have to constantly be asking for help, and trying to find something, anything that a person would want to buy because they arent looking at me and my situation and the bigger picture. Theyre looking at whether or not that thing will make them happy, and if it is worth it for them. Were told that is the way it IS. Is that really the way we want it to be? In addition, where is the value in the feel good that helping another holds? As usual, I just wrote more than I intended. But there you go. Any help - a always - is incredibly appreciated.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:42:14 +0000

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