Would taking away our guns make life safer? If you want to use - TopicsExpress


Would taking away our guns make life safer? If you want to use Australia as an example maybe. Assuming that gun control is the sole factor and that the fact that we both as countries are culturally and socially different has nothing to do with it among others Im sure but Ill say this, crime is not the only reason we as a country have the right to own and bare arms. To forfeit this right is to put our lives and our fates in our government and this poll Ive posted isnt my opinion. Its just a list of a lot of other peoples opinions. Im just saying you arent just asking us to give up range time. You are asking us to give up the peace of mind that there are checks and balances and if nothing else we still have our freedom to protect ourselves even when/if the government cant. Theres nothing nefarious about it. There are plenty of instances where the police just could not be there at that critical moment where a law abiding, gun carrying, citizen was able to prevent a tragedy. Does it always happen that way? Of course not. Thats just life. Does that mean its better to let a bad situation get worse just because law enforcement cant be everywhere at once? I only post this because this is a bigger deal than I think some people realize and I figure maybe I can give someone some food for thought. Oh and take a minute and check out the numbers on these polls. The legislative branch seems to get the worst rap. I wonder why? There are also a lot of scary videos about gun confiscation when katrina hit. Brutal confiscations from law abiding citizens of all ages, including the elderly, with force at times. These are cops we are talking about. Protect and Serve.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:56:21 +0000

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