Would you support a series of G.I. Joe art books? if yes, please - TopicsExpress


Would you support a series of G.I. Joe art books? if yes, please voice your support in the comments section below. Heres my vision for the books. Volume 1: 1982-1994 figures. V1 would feature every carded figure from 1982-1994, as you can see on my Yearbook page (3djoes/the-gi-joe-yearbook-a-visual-index-of-carded-figures.html), but much more polished like my recent posters (3djoes/uploads/1/3/3/9/13396852/s532803941102529920_p2_i1_w940.jpeg). It would also feature art for the mail always like The Fridge. I envision the front of the page being the full bleed carded figure, and the back of the page featuring the file card, fan recollections of seeing the product on shelves, geared up images of the figures from my 360 spins, and possibly pre-pro art. Here is an example of the level of digital retouching that you’d see throughout the book (https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10665848_776210995768796_3433095119945318265_n.jpg?oh=0bd6341fb77f6a7ed8a400b2f4b37267&oe=54B5AF97&__gda__=1420653086_2f7be529caaf34201e29647d718a0116) Volume 2: 1982-1994 vehicles. V2 would feature the front panel of every vehicle box full bleed on the front of each vehicle page. On the back I envision fan recollections of seeing the product on shelves, images of the vehicles from my 360 spins and image galleries, and possibly pre-pro art or blueprints. Here is an example of the level of digital retouching that you’d see throughout the book (https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10590650_744559115600651_5642108521207077068_n.jpg?oh=a70a4c022a2ea46e39c678e178bb3bae&oe=54E9D2B5) If those two volumes broke even, I could see making a third. V3 could feature other memorable art from the catalogs, magazines, posters, books, etc. Ill of course continue working towards this long term goal by photographing and digitally restoring the necessary images as I build 3DJoes. So, do you want to see these books come to life? Voice your support so I can share it with the powers that be!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:05:03 +0000

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