XXXI. Tales of the Avenging Buddha.6: The “Provisional” and - TopicsExpress


XXXI. Tales of the Avenging Buddha.6: The “Provisional” and the “Real” After the press conference and when Javu and the team of doctors were realigned in their bunker in Dharamasala, India, they had to consider their next options. The announcement by the Union of International Chinese Buddhists to look beyond the traditional parameters in selecting the “Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL)” was a rebellious notion and considered, by the formal High Council of Buddhist Monks, humorous and they cast these idolatrous notions aside. None the less, it sparked international debate and despite the uninformed High Council of Buddhist Monks trivialization, to the High Security Council and the F.I.S.T. (Forbidden Invisible Secret Terrorists) the “Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL)” suggested by the Union of International Chinese Buddhists was known to have the pretense and suspicion of being involved with The Caucus. As well, the suggested “Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL)” secretly being a Chinese boy to credit The Caucus, had exceptional powers in mind-reading and involved an astounding psychic ability. The boy even learned that during the right moment or for great occasion he could manipulate the plasma between his body and an inanimate object and cause it to move. This power only involved the ability to manipulate the inanimate, non-living object. When the power grew into its advanced stages, instead of altering the pressure of gravity or weight by the use of his mind through “rapid energy release” he could cause, in a similar way, the molecules in the plasma between his body, notably used by him, his hands, to rapidly increase in speed and heat the targeted object with those molecule’s friction until combustion. Keep in mind it is done without physical contact. This second power was only developed when The Caucus, before the Dalai Llama’s selection process, secretly began to study Hyper Kinetic Molecule Detection Devices (HKMDD), only a practiced theory of science in places like China or North Korea, keep in mind. The machine, similar to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), was used to study and amplify the “provisional’s” psychokinetic or telekinetic power. As well, this ability to control inanimate objects without physical contact was to be unconsciously trained by the use of a well advanced and modern oscilloscope and biofeedback therapy. During this therapy, the power of the psychokinetic would be forced in a controlled environment until it could learn to be controlled by the human subject. This notion suggests that the plasma molecules betwixt the “provisional Dalai Llama” and the target object would move due to the human body’s energy, releasing psychokinetically, and therefore move the object. As well, the team of scientists working with The Caucus began to hypothesize about the actuality of the psychokinetic ability and the possibility for it to produce flame or combustion. The use of biofeedback therapy in an observational setting would teach and train the PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama) to be of astounding fiction but living in the present. The cunning of political intrigue tickled members of The Caucus; of course they called him the “provisional,” The Caucus had found their “Dalai Llama.” Because the “Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL)” had these astounding powers, it did not make him any kind of irresponsible tyrant or hated man. He was always wise and promoted “the ways of good faith, peace and harmony.” He also stood for the “responsibility each man had for one another, especially the most important members of the family. It was not a private responsibility to be unshared by the wealthy and unmeant for the impoverished, but a dedication and expectation to those who support one most in a privileged setting. We are responsible for the mental well-being of our family, friends and strangers. Complimentarily, when there is this respect these people we care for also teach the most about our culture and we must respect them even when we grow tired or selfish and we are unwilling to help them, despite further charity we are willing to commit to.” These are excerpts from the diary of the “Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL)” and reflect some of the ideas he was to promote to secure his position as Buddhism’s leader. The Union of International Chinese Buddhists announced a debate to be had on international live television. Of course Javu must have considered it and decided to accept the challenge. First and foremost, the Council of Buddhist Monks must find their “Real Dalai Llama (RDL).” This would be done based on the inclusion of another’s fate – that of Fredierick Mottish. Mottish, since the day of the death of the Dalai Llama knew the consequences of his arrival and the effect it would have on fate. Now he would have to be bold enough to ensure he create the past he was familiar with when he began as the first man to go back in time from the future. He was no man of modest means and could secure a quick job and earn good enough pay to reside in a hotel room. There he would be astounded by the press conference called by Javu consequent to the Dalai Llama’s murder, the following embassy attack and the formal challenge by the Union of International Chinese Buddhists to debate on who the real Dalai Llama would be. The High Council of Buddhist Monks must consider all worldly options, whether it be from their high seat in the Dharamasala monastery or from the view of the religion’s followers. Mottish secured passage on a barge to get to India’s coast before he made it the full distance to Dharamasala where he was told to make himself humble on the doorsteps of the monastery. For nine days he thirsted and starved until his life began to wither from his bone and flesh. Meanwhile, Javu had consulted with the High Security Council and the High Council of Buddhist Monks. PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama) was an amazing sight to behold, now that they all had seen him performing with his religious based power with his life the centerpiece for a new chapter in the history in the Buddhist religion. The High Council of Buddhist Monks, old, silent and infirm scoffed at this “magic.” Javu, however, informed the most spiritual second-in-command to the Dalai Llama, Radii Semuhala. This information involved the situation with the PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama). Firstly, if PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama) had the wit and charm of all preceding Dalai Llamas and he had these “superpowers,” then how could he not rightfully be the next Dalai Llama? However, there were intelligence reports sent from spies in China. The Caucus had been conducting, experimenting with and training these incredible abilities in PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama). The spies to report this information went missing shortly after the code relay. The Caucus was working with several members of the government in China to see this done. There, as well, had been many rumors of another “freak” with mental powers beyond belief. He was “Godhead.” Radii Semuhala agreed the priority of the High Security Council be to find and take vengeance on this “Godhead,” the suspected murderer of the Dalai Llama. The second priority would be to stand up to the challenge of the Union of International Chinese Buddhists and present the “Real Dalai Llama.” After nearly three hundred and fifty failures in testing the next Dalai Llama, no young man or boy stood tall enough to fit the role. The frustrated Javu was reported to have gone from the bunker headquarters, into the monastery, and on his way to the promenade of the front entrance he stumbled across a withering life. Of course this man had been forgotten, and who had he been supplicating for since there was no religious leader in place? This is how Fredierick Mottish came into the care of The Avenging Buddha & C. as a galactic traveler. When Javu introduced himself to Mottish and began the primary questioning, it was Mottish who came forth and insisted “he knew… he knew… he knew” who the “Real Dalai Llama (RDL)” was supposed to be as it had “been written into the future.” Javu questioned him and learned he was a “scientist.” Mottish, indecent and delusional during the bout of dehydration and starvation seemed to be more like a “madman.” Then he began to beg Javu that he believe in the power of time-travel and believe Mottish knew where to find “the adequate natural power… to cause PDL (Provisional Dalai Llama) from creating further unrest to the Tibetan Buddhist… and… bringing further power… in the Chinese Republic’s structure...” Mottish was brought to the infirmary in the headquarters of the F.I.S.T. (Forbidden Invisible Secret Terrorists) and began to undergo physical therapy for atrophied muscles and a nutritious hearty diet. Eventually his mind regained sanity and after several days delay he could pinpoint the location of the “Real Dalai Llama.” It was not known to the greater public, by history’s telling, how this “Real Dalai Llama (RDL)” was selected; however, its cause is due to Fredierick coming from the future and choosing the “Real Dalai Llama (RDL)” based on having known some of the past about 2,056 O.U. (Old Universe). As well, this alternate boy was elite, pure and untrained. However, due to the murderer of the Dalai Llama still being at large, there would be no further selection of the “Dalai Llama” and he would not be announced to the public at this time. “Godhead,” the “masked man” and murderer must be destroyed before this. And only then could the “Real Dalai Llama (RDL)” debate the “Provisional Dalai Llama (PDL)” on live television. Therefore, taking the advice from the since-proven scientific genius, The Avenging Buddha & C. went to the land of old Tibet by means of small aircraft. Radii, Javu, Mottish and Peaberry were on that flight. It was a peaceful, illegal flight whose stealth capability had been modified by the quick thinking of Dr. Peaberry. When they landed, they hired a “Sherpa” to guide them to a small village in Western Tibet, walking by foot. Mottish, intuitively and having seen history documentation on television, led them straight into a hovel the “Real” may call “home.” There they found a young man who must be considered the reincarnation of an old “self” into that of a new “self,” that one meant for peace and harmony; he who has come due to the end of one life and has come at the beginning of another; he who has purportedly returned of nirvana to live a life of mortality, political power, and wisdom. This “Real Dalai Llama (RDL)” has the power of intuition, forethought and bases his decisions in life on the Buddhist way, predicting the shortcoming future and maintaining the most responsible lifestyle. After a little convincing and the aforementioned knowledge of his destiny, to the proposed “real” the power of politics concerning the Dalai Llama were with Javu and the Council of Buddhist Monks. The “Real” could feel its graciousness and knowing the uselessness when there are no doubts about the outcome, humbly accepted, after severe testing, to be the proposed “Real Dalai Llama.” For now, Godhead must be hunted.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 19:33:04 +0000

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