YOU CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY In general I can say that everyone - TopicsExpress


YOU CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY In general I can say that everyone wants to be happy. But it is also a known fact that many people are miserable all over the world. We are all in pursuit of happiness as we strive to achieve our dreams. In this journey we take to find happiness, not all of us succeed in achieving our goals. There are those who give up when things get too tough. There are those who give up without even trying. And there are those lucky few who get to achieve their goals but still somehow realize that what they have been striving for did not bring lasting happiness. What is Happiness? Does this sound like a losing battle to you? Well, actually, achieving “happiness” is just a matter of perception. Your notion of happiness may be far from what it really is. And sometimes what you’ve wanted for so long is not really what you needed. Just as the song goes “Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it…” Before you go chasing rainbows, try answering the question: “What is happiness?” What is it that would make you really happy? There are some factors that can make a person happy. Peace of mind, contentment, purpose, companionship, spirituality, and love. Peace of Mind Everybody has a conscience. This is our guide in making our life decisions, big or small. A clean conscience gives you peace of mind. This is living a life without fear because you know that you have done nothing wrong. To have peace of mind, be sure to always be fair and try your best to always do what is right and just for everybody. I know it is easy to say, “be fair.” But to actually live by that rule is very difficult considering the pressures of society and, of course, the temptations that come our way. Just remember that whatever great things you may get through cheating and stealing, it will never be as precious as a being able to sleep soundly at night. Contentment All of us wish we had something that we didn’t have. And when we get that, we want something else or something more. The truth is, we should be content with what we have right now. We cannot change the things we didn’t have before. And we will never know what we will have tomorrow. So if you ate well today, you have a home, a family, and everything that you need today, be thankful. Someone else somewhere else in the world would kill to have the things you have right now. Appreciating the graces you receive each day and being content knowing that your needs have been filled simplifies life’s little joys. The things that you want will never bring complete happiness. But to be content everyday brings happiness that lasts day after day. Purpose Many have read or have heard of the book A Purpose Driven Life. And by the success of the book, you will see that so many people are in search of a purpose or meaning to life. Do not do things just for the money. Of course we need to work to make a living. But always ask yourself “Why?” Why are you doing what you are doing? If you have a job that you hate, try to remember why you still stay. It may be because you have a family that you love, and they are depending on you. Whatever sacrifices are made gain purpose because they are done out of love. Everything has a purpose. Find the deeper meaning, and you will be able to see which of your activities are still worth doing or not. Which of your activities have actual purpose? Which of them bring you happiness? Companionship No man is an island. People need to reach out to other people. You don’t need a life partner to be happy. Some people choose to live a single life. But to be single does not mean you have to be alone. Never live your life just for yourself. You have to coexist, interact, and be part of a community. Share your life with others and see how other people can make a difference in your outlook in life. Spirituality Faith in God and a connection to your inner being brings inner peace. This inner peace radiates to others and gives a person a positive outlook in life. This positivity brings forth good things that will bring more smiles into your life. Love The ultimate rule to happiness is love. Do everything out of love, and you will feel a silent joy in your heart. Do one act of kindness at a time, and you will feel the love in your heart fill your life with happiness.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 07:58:00 +0000

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