YOU WILL HAVE THAT, STEPPED UP TERRORIST ATTACKS, (MORE NYC HATCHET men, AND MORE EBOLA PATIENTS) AS WE GET CLOSER TO THE U S elections. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT. Obama Care ACA and the 2014 elections are THEIR THERMOPOLYE. WE the People, DID NOT ACT THE WAY WE WERE SUPPOSED TO ACT, TO EBOLA BEING IMPORTED INTO THE USA BY EXECUTIVE ORDER. Let me Explain: It is IMPERATIVE TO REMEMBER that Dictator Obama and Field Marshal Holder, DO NOT think, LIKE AMERICANS THINK. THEIR (thought) Patterns are Totally Foreign, to US, Distorted, and Vastly Different from ANY American, BORN IN THE USA. The Great white Doctors, in their BIG white Hazmet suits, received Plenty of Drive-By Medias T.V Time. Americans watched with Interest, as this Unfolded before OUR very eyes, on Obama Super 8 Film, Destined for CON Film Festivals. (black) AMERICANS, WERE SUPPOSED TO BE ENRAGED, How can THEY Hazmet Transport, Treat and CURE, these Great white Doctors, Clear Over to the USA, when so Many of OUR Fellow African Brothers and Sisters, are Dying in Droves in the Homeland? ( How Indeed, and I felt this, as well). FEW REAL AMERICANS, BORN IN THE USA AMERICANS (of any race, creed, color, political parties, ALLOBAMALABELS) HAVE LITTLE CONNECTION WITH THEIR HOMELANDS, AND THEREFORE, THEIR REAL CULTURES. How do I know this you ask? I am DIFFERENT, I KNOW WHO I AM, I AM NDN, I am Askwhetseau, I WATCH, I Observe, I Study, and I Research, PEOPLE. AMERICANS, WE THE BORN IN THE USA, PEOPLE, of any (obamacolorlabelorlevel) ARE INTELLIGENT HUMAN LIFE FORMS, WITH OUR FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS,OUR HEARTS AND OUR MINDS. RED BLOOD, FLOWS THROUGH THE MAJORITY AND MINORITY OF THE VEINS, OUR VEINS, IN WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLES. ICE WATER, IS, what WE Sometimes Drink. RACISM, Labeled, Pandered, and Pushed, by a Dynamic Criminal Duo ( men? in Tights), Two Former Shitcago Drug Pushers, that Obama and Holder were, in days passed, before THEY Slithered into OUR White House and found Al-Sharpton and the Jacksons (take your pick) Coked, and Toked Up, Drunk with Evil, and Lying on the East Lawn, later POTUS Appointed. By the Way, Field Marshal Holder was FIRED by Dictator Obama, because of his POOR PERFORMANCE in Fast and Furious, Trayvon Martin, IRS, HHS, DHS, White House Fence Jumping Lawn Gnomes etc.,.and Ferguson MO. Al-Sharpton (sources tell US ) WAS Obamareprimanded as well, so Watch for Ferguson Free Ride in Flames, MO., Ya ll. MORE BIGGER DISTRACTIONS AND DIVERSIONS, HEADED OUR WAY, in these Dirty Dozen till Election Day. MAYBE, WITH GODS HELP, THOSE covented Presidential Pardons WILL NOT APPEAR, at THE END of YOUR Obamarainbows, MAYBE, THERE IS, NO END. MAYBE, WITH GODS HELP, WHEN the DEMOCRATS LOSE THEIR ABSOLUTE POWER, Dictator Obama will be SMOKED OUT OF HIS SNAKE HOLE, AND WILL HAVE TO TELL US, WHO (he) REALLY IS. IMPEACH Obama NOW. ARREST ALL OF Obamas FELLOW TRAITORS AND CONSPIRITORS, CROSS AGAINST WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLES. DE OPPRESSO LIBER, Chief
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:31:34 +0000

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