YOUR DUA, HIS MOMENTS OF ACCEPTANCE The mother of the - TopicsExpress


YOUR DUA, HIS MOMENTS OF ACCEPTANCE The mother of the Believers, Aisah (Radihiyallahu anha) narrates that when the month of Ramadaan would enter Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) would increase his Salaah, his complexion would change, and he became more fervent in Dua. (Bayhaqi) This condition of his would undergo even further transformation upon the entry of the last ten days of the great month, a period which we are currently enjoying. It therefore, behoves us as followers of this Illustrious Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) to assimilate within ourselves at least a semblance of this fervour, devotion, and commitment to Allah during this holy period. COMPLEX PROBLEMS: Dua is an act that one cannot do enough of. No ibadat is complete without Dua, and no Muslim can do without it, yet the Ummat has shown surprising indifference to this forte of Ieman. A cursory survey of the Ummat’s condition at this stage of our history will reveal the true extent of our spiritual and mundane woes. The problems we face are complex, complicated, and seemingly insurmountable. Our marriages are under severe strain, domestic lives are cast into disarray, financial circumstances have become straitened, physical well-being is always threatened by debilitating illnesses, and worse still, the enemies of Islam have joined ranks in a physical and spiritual onslaught against the Ummat world-wide. Any nation would normally capitulate under such austere conditions, but Almighty Allah has given Muslims special spiritual resilience to withstand all the elements of adversity. While we have experimented with many formulas in an attempt to resolve these and numerous other problems, the cause of failure can partially be attributed to lack of sufficient Dua. No doubt, we are making Dua, but it appears that our Dua has no spark, fervour, or zeal. It must be acknowledged that Dua alone cannot solve certain issues and people affected will have to resort to Shar’ee solutions, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that Dua has that catalytic effect to convert our efforts into successful solutions. Furthermore, when one has exhausted all avenues in arriving at a solution or in resolving an issue without success, the last recourse is Dua.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 09:05:43 +0000

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