Yaffas findings on our AmErican Nationality Tuesday, December - TopicsExpress


Yaffas findings on our AmErican Nationality Tuesday, December 11, 2007 MODIFIED, February 1, 2011 Brothers, and some sisters, say Moorish American is our Nationality. Personally, I think that is questionable and heres why. First, the suffix ish on Moorish is a problem for me. According to the dictionary, it means resembling something else; after the manner of; similar to; having qualities similar, but not suitable to. It also means male. Not to mention the fact that Reverend Radine, as well as a European man I met at the Good Life restaurant, have both alluded to, or flat out stated, the fact that initially the term Moor only applied to people that had European mothers and melanin rich fathers i.e., half breeds. ( I need to state for the record that it was recently brought to my attention that apparently half-breed is a misnomer in this context, because if your mom is not a melanin rich woman, then that makes you a hybrid, not a half-breed, or so Ive been told - not sure I agree, but....) Moor is also spelled Maur, Maure, More, and Muur. It means most and it means dark in color, as well as cat. The word amore means love in multiple languages. Personally, I would rather be more than less. Then there was the land of Mu, or Lemuria. Le means the in multiple languages. I see it as Le Muria, or land of Le Murians, the Murians. Murians and Murex pertain to purple dye. The letter R is reish/resh, in Hebrew, and means head. I see Mu-r, or Mu head, cat head, or head of Mu. The Oxfords Dictionary of Etymology says the word Morocco comes from the Arabic word Mayrib al aqca and means the far, or extreme west. Well, according to the Europeans NEW mapping system, America IS the farthest and most extreme west. Stay with me. Although I appear to be rambling, Im going somewhere with this. Now, the term America/American warrants clarity. In my opinion, it is the most potently accurate and appropriate word for me to CURRENTLY use to identify myself. The 1849, 1854, and 1859, editions of Websters Dictionary almost say it all. American, the noun, ORIGINALLY applied to the aboriginals, or COPPER-COLORED races, found here by the Europeans. Copper-Colored is U.S. Indian Head PENNY colored. When I place a clean, or tarnished penny, on the brown hand side of my hand, it describes me. The word American can, and MUST, be broken down even further. It is Am + Eric(a) + an. Now, here is where it gets really precise and deep. Am means be. Be means exist, live, ess(e), essence, essential; a SPIRITUAL entity. If you look in the brackets of the word essence, and the word am, you will see the word be, or to be. Eric(a) can be with, or without, the final a. Eric(a), the root of ericaceous, is a Latin word that means heath, or forest. Every good baby name book worth its salt will put the icing on the cake. The word Eric(a) means ruler, always ruler, and ruler forever! I can live with being always ruler forever! The suffix -an means belonging to; adhering to; attached to; part and parcel of; connected to, or connecting with. Keep in mind that vowels are removable and interchangeable. So, upon removing the vowels, American becomes Mrcn. This translates to Murican, Morican, or Maurcan, Marican, Merican, not Moorish. Americas peoples end in an e.g., MexicAN, CanadiAN, Puerto RicAN, BraziliAN, etc. Peoples in Asia end in ese e.g., ChinESE, BurmESE, VietnamESE, JapanESE, etc. European peoples end in ish e.g., BritISH, ScottISH, EnglISH, SwedISH, etc. Of course, there ARE variations to this rule, but Im making a general point. I am proud to be a real AmErican. That means Im one of the COPPER-COLORED races of people that Europeans found on these shores. There are NO AmEricans here except our copper-colored brown skinned people! In other words, if you are not from AmEricas copper-colored People, then you CANNOT BE a Real AmErican! As an AmErican, I am descended from the Ancient pre-Colombian people on AmErica. That means that we were meant to always and forever, live and rule with the forests that we were/are the essence of, and are an attached, connected part, and parcel of. Since we were/are an essential part of the forests that we SPIRITUALLY belonged to, but were removed from them and placed into concrete urban jungles, then the forests are dying and so are we, because we need the forests and the forests need us. The European Pilgrims are killing us and chopping down the forests in mass. We are what we say we are; therefore, it is time to say we are AmErican. Claiming it will begin to make it come to be. We will again be always the rulers forever, because when you are melanin rich/Copper-Colored Brown, and say you are AmErican, you begin to cast that spell. So, if someone wants to know my Nationality, then my reply choices are clear. I am an AmErican Autochthon, Autochthonous AmErican, Indigenous AmErican, Aboriginal AmErican, or AmErican Muur. The keyword in each of these is AmErican! Again, AmErican means Copper-Colored aboriginal people of North, Central, and South America, plus her surrounding Islands! It is a nationality, a race, and a landmass - all rolled up into one. As Denzel Washington said in the movie American Gangster, Im an American Jack! So, Im an AmErican Autochthon. Dr. Yaffa Bey December 20,2013 Greetings Yaffa, This is excellent work! I love to read your work and you really need to write a full-blown book. Do you have some more information on Moors being people with European mothers (sons of Albion as I call them) and melanin fathers, or half breeds; or do you think this is when the ish was added to Moor to get Moorish? I say this because if Moor is spelled all those other ways that lead you to Mu, Murican, and us as a people, then Moor cannot be what Reverend Radine and the European man say it is, but Moorish can definitely be what they are talking about. I notice in movies when they speak of us they say, The Moor, not the Moorish man or woman. I am just clarifying for me. What do you think of that one? One more thing, what is Autochthon at the end where you put I am an AmErican Autochthon? I love this work! You can actually take each paragraph and go in depth on each part that it becomes much longer, but this is definitely a wonderful starting point if you indeed choose to take it further. Look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you very much and have a wonderful day! Many Blessings and Much Love, Mri Yaffas reply Re: Our AmErican Nationality Wed, Dec 12, 2007 Hi, in response to your questions, I perceive that we were called Muurs. This would be pronounced the way a cow says Muu. Since the pronunciation sounds different from the word Moors, then it could simply be a difference in frequency based on utterance. I distinctly recall in the movie The Long Ships starring Sydney Poitier, they said Muurs (not Moors - which sounds similar to mowers in lawnmowers). Now in the movie starring Martin Lawrence, (I dont recall the title, but it had something to do with knights and an amusement park) they said Moor. However, to answer your question, I dont have more info on the half-breed aspect of Moors. The ish probably IS the problem, but my motto is when in doubt, I leave it out. It is almost like the sound frequency difference between American and AmErican. Same spelling, but different sound pronounced; therefore different frequency. Were Am-air-rican! That is how it is pronounced. The Greek word Autochthon means aboriginal inhabitant; of the land itself; attached to the land; one and the same with the land and country. Auto means same, and it means self. Chthon means the earth, land, ground, and it means country. This is opposed to Heterochthon which means foreigner from some other land; from another country; not one with the land and country; not aboriginal; not indigenous [and I dislike the word indigenous, because it means indigen(a), indigen(s), and indigen(t) which means needy, deprived, deficient, and NOT worthy. It also means inborn. Which is too much like inbred, and incestuous for me]. Hetero means different, other. As far as the book, a few people have encouraged me to write one. One author feels so strongly that I should write a series of books, as well as set up a website, that she has offered to support me when Im ready. Technically, the books are already written, because all of my lectures and research notes are written with a beginning, middle, and an end. Hope that helps clarify things further, Yaffa
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:09:55 +0000

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