Yes Christmas is considered a holiday celebrated once a year but - TopicsExpress


Yes Christmas is considered a holiday celebrated once a year but oh the spirit of Christmas, the reason for which we celebrate (the coming of Jesus), is something that is not to be forgotten the other 364 days of the year. This is why we live. This is why we now have a choice to receive what God had for us in the beginning...eternal life with Him. Im still studying and praying and worshipping and celebrating this compassionate and merciful God that left His throne to come and save a sinner like me...a person who sins every single day, forgetting Whose I am and Why I am. Were not perfect. We may try to do right but there are times when we dont obey His commandments or do as Jesus would do, but He has mercy on us! Yea theres something we can complain about every day but why? Were still alive and have breathe in our bodies. He didnt treat us as our sins deserved. We have to admit that we make wrong and sometimes stupid choices that are against Gods Word/will and that causes us to be in the predicaments were in. Our lives could be worse but by the grace of God and the acts of Jesus, were still here and were not worse off. Thats something to think about. Where would you be without Jesus stepping in on our behalf? This is just something I found and watched. Take a look.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:11:17 +0000

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