Yesterday was like the twilight zone for me. Max Zoghbi of Loupe - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was like the twilight zone for me. Max Zoghbi of Loupe Theory Studios here in Baton Rouge invited me on a location scout for a film project he has coming up. While this wasn’t the first time Max and I have worked together, the day spent on location certainly filled some gaps. 2 years ago when I was wanting to make a career in the film industry, and quit my current job, I reached out to Max to talk about what I was thinking, faith, and the kind of steps in the right direction I would need to take. If you have ever seen Loupe Theory’s work, its pretty clear on why it can be inspiring to up and coming film makers. More over, he was local and that gave us the opportunity to meet and talk. That was 2 years ago. It’s amazing to me that I get to work with him and his creatives when the opportunities present themselves. Between then and now a lot has happened. I remember seeing his posts on Facebook to pray for Bonnie Kate. Reading how intense her pain was and Max’s plea always led me to wonder what happened. Most of you who are friends, or follow my posts, have seen or heard of “Wildflower”. It’s a short film that pretty much documents the story and proposal of Max Zoghbi and Bonnie Kate (Zoghbi). The short has spread like wild fire over the past couple months following it’s release with reviews and critics speaking of it everywhere. It wasn’t until I watched it that I found out what happened to Bonnie Kate, and much more about their relationship and how God worked in them. Well, Bonnie Kate was on the scout yesterday and I was able to talk to her about things, I’ve just wondered. Pain, forgiveness, the journey she’s been on, to include marriage in the middle of all this. I mean, it’s a heck of a story if you think about it. For those of you who haven’t seen “Wildflower” or know of Bonnie Kate’s story, she was shot in the Aurora, Colorado shooting inside the movie theater in 2012. Speaking to her yesterday, she was 2 weeks out of her most recent surgery on crutches. Since 2012 she has been through more physical pain than I care to know any human being go through. I was in awe as she shared photos of surgeries and post ops, that went with the stories of pain meds that don’t work, having to be awake during nerve ending operations so they could tell when they hit the nerve. Her begging to pass out during operations, or sleepless 2 weeks in a manipulation machine. The whole time listening to this I would just question God and the why she had to go through this incredible pain and this journey. I haven’t received an answer to that question, nor do I feel I should, will, or am entitled to such. I just couldn’t help but ask I suppose, out of curiosity. The dynamics of how Max and Bonnie Kate met and married is a story in itself as well, that Max so creatively displays and captures in “Wildflower”. However the newly wed (6 months) Bonny Kate said something last night that really stuck with me, and all in all, is a beautiful struggle. I think a lot of us can relate to this, maybe on a scaled down emotional plane, but none the less. You see Bonnie Kate wants her independence back. She wants to run and jump and do things without help (not that she needs or asks for much!). And Max wants to help, and take her pain away. As any husband, mother, father, or caretaker would. Hypothetically, Max would say “No baby I’ll get that you stay there and rest”, to which Bonny Kate would say or think “but I want to get it, I want to be able to get it.” I didn’t see that conversation take place but used it for illustration purposes. The dependance they require on God and each other is much to be admired. The humbleness and faith and brokenness and closeness as a result, is just a strength I see these two people share. I had no real point in writing this other than wanting to share a story that has an affect on me I can’t describe at the moment. We always look into our own lives during struggle and know someone who may have it better or worse in comparison. It was just interesting and inspiring to me seeing Bonnie Kate in such a mental and physical struggle (from my point of view, not hers) and see her heart for others. Bonnie Kate riding around with me yesterday, hopping in and out the truck on crutches and smiling and walking up and down hills, and getting stomach sick, then smiling, then cooking and serving lunch; just amazed me. You’d almost never know she still has bullet fragments in her knee and has a pain your worst nightmare couldn’t produce. And then Max, looking out for her and being there for her, yet giving her enough room to do things on her own. It was an incredible picture. I’d really like to ask that you be in prayer for Max and Bonnie Kate Zoghbi. While they stand to inspire many through their story and creativity, they have a long journey ahead of them. Very happy to call them friends, and thankful for them sharing with me on this day.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:01:22 +0000

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