You cant evict a movement SOLIDARITEIT TUSSEN WIJ ZIJN HIER EN - TopicsExpress


You cant evict a movement SOLIDARITEIT TUSSEN WIJ ZIJN HIER EN SCHOOL BERLIJN Nadj Koko (vluchtgarage) decided after the March4Freedom to go and have a look in Berlin. Since his arrival there he is very busy supporting the people that are still in the school. Below some explanation of the situation of the refugee school in Berlin that is still surrounded by police who want to evict the place. But the people in the occupied school keep on fighting. Today in the bus back from Den Haag we had some contact with Koko and he put us on the loudspeaker in front of the school. We could greet each other and we expressed our solidarity with the people there, they were very happy to hear us. We also explained a bit about the situation in Amsterdam. Koko would like to connect the struggle in Berlin and Amsterdam. And he is overwhelmed by the support he sees in Berlin, thousands of people are involved. Our live contact today was received with a lot of enthousiasm in Berlin, also press was present and listened. After our greetings Berlin started to chant slogans, for us to chant together with them. Koko is planning to come back to Amsterdam in 10 days or so. If anyone wants to contact him in Germany we have his number. * * * * * * * * * * You cant evict a movement! Hi my dear friends, Im not sure if you have heard whats happening in Berlin Kreuzberg. Cops and the in Kreuzberg ruling Green Party are trying to evict a former school building (Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule) since 9 days. Refugees from all over the world have been living there since more then 1,5 years. Tuesday on the 27th of June 900 heavily armed german riot cops and special forces surrounded not only the school but also the whole neighbourhood (Block). More then 200 refugees had been evicted on the first day. The Green Party/Bezirksam and the green Kreuzberg mayor Monika Herrmann keep on pretending that these 200 people have had a free choice to move. There were families and traumatized people in the building. Its a strange idea of free choice when german riot and special cops with machine guns are helping you to leave the building. The offical term used by cops and Green Party is Umzugshilfe. Anyway, the conditions in the building were hard and many people wanted to leave. For example, in the building were two showers for more then approximately 300 to 400 people. One refugee had been killed by another because of an argument about the showers some month ago. But fact is that between 40 and 80 refugees, some supporters and from time to time journalists are inside the school. Many of the refugees could fight back the cops by threatening to jump of the roof or to burn themselves if the cops are going to attack. Even the cops understood, that these people have nothing to lose than their lifes. Refugee: „You have no power. You have nothing in your hands besides your guns.“ They are ready to die, if they do not get a real perspective. They made very clear, that deportation or Lager is no option for them. Thousands of neighbours can only reach their homes, jobs, friends by showing their ID-Cards. People who are not registered in this area are not allowed to enter. All businesses, shops, bars, etc. are locked since 9 days. Kids cant walk their normal way to school. Medicals are not reachable. etc. ... The German police and Bezirksamt are turning freedom of press into a joke. Some german big newspapers and tv station are sueing at the moment. Since 9 days activist, neighbours and supporters are organizing protest at the road blocks, trying to inform the public and try to get food and medical support in the school. After some days the officals allowed a priest to bring food into the school. The cops are very aggressive and brutal against the peaceful protests. Many people had been injured and arrested. A demonstration by students and pupils had been attack by the police yesterday. Dozens of refugee, who managed to escape from the cops at the first day are now homeless and looking for shelter. There are many informations in the net. Please spread these infos. Use my mail. Feel free to correct my English! And organize solidarity actions in Amsterdam and everywhere else. All the best, tommie * * * * * * * And finally a little positive update: I just learned that the refugees in Berlin got the offer to keep part of the building, after some discussions they signed for this offer. The school will be renovated as from tomorrow but the refugees can stay in (part of) the building and showers will be placed for them. The police is now withdrawing. The people of the protest are happy they finally can have some rest as they hardly slept the last week. They will continue their fight for residence papers.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:27:20 +0000

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