You do not HAVE to be a victim of worry. Reduced TO its simplest - TopicsExpress


You do not HAVE to be a victim of worry. Reduced TO its simplest form,what IS worry?!? It is simply an UNhealthy and destructive HABIT. You were NOT born WITH the worry habit;you ACQUIRED it. And because you CAN change ANY habit and any ACQUIRED attitude,you CAN cast worry FROM your mind!! Since aggressive ACTION is essential IN the elimination PROCESS,there is only ONE proper time to BEGIN an effective attack ON worry,and THAT is NOW!! Understand that worry is a SERIOUS problem!! The emminent psychiatrist Dr. Smiley Blanton called it:"The GREAT modern PLAGUE A famous psychologist asserts:"FEAR is THE most disintergrating enemy of human personality." A prominent physician declares:"Worry is the most subtle and destructive of all human DISEASES." another physician says that THOUSANDS of people are ill because of"dammed-up anxiety". The sheer destructive quality of worry is indicated by the fact that the word itSELF is derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning:"to choke" If someone where to put their hand around your THROAT and clutch HARD cutting off the flow of oxygen;it would be a dramatic demonstration of what YOU do to YOURself by having long-held and habitual worry!! It has been proven that worry is NOT an INfrequent factor in arthritis. Physicians who have studied the causes of this prevalent disease assert the following factors are nearly ALWAYS present in arthritic cases:"financial disaster,frustration,tension,appprehension,loneliness,grief,long-held ill will and habitual WORRY!! A clinic staff did a study of 176 American executives of about the age of 44 years and found that HALF had high blood-pressure,heart disease or ulcers!! It was notable that in EVERY case OF those thus afflicted that worry WAS a PROMINENT factor!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 16:56:52 +0000

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