You have a civilization established on and sustained through - TopicsExpress


You have a civilization established on and sustained through genocide and slavery. You maintain a culture of oppression, exploitation and disenfranchisement through militant law enforcement, an unjust judicial system, biased criminal code and the largest prison population of any modern country to further capitalize on the unjustly exploited and oppressed- and then have the impudence to scream reverse racism and race baiting anytime someone points out OVERT AND OBVIOUS RACIST SHIT!!!???? Im an inbetweener of sorts, I dont get the benefits of looking like one side OR the disadvantages of looking like the other... But what I do get is a first row seat to the bullshit! And witness the fact that in fact there are CLEARLY benefits of looking like one side and disadvantages of looking like the other! And I have plenty of poor white friends who point to their circumstance and say what about me, I dont have a good job or lots of money and power! I get treated like shit and looked down on Yes you do! Now imagine if on top of all your problems you added being part of an ostracized ethnic group, dumbass!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:32:36 +0000

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