You want to know why food at the grocery store keeps going up at - TopicsExpress


You want to know why food at the grocery store keeps going up at astounding rates. Want to know why the stock market is hitting all new never before seen record highs without any good economic news to support it. Then watch this and understand how our Ponzi banking system works. They are monetizing the debt by inflating the money and artificially buying up the stock market to keep it from crashing. Take it from someone who traded professionally and actually picked the bottom of the stock market a year before it got there. I picked the DOW Jones bottom within 50 points a year out. The only thing that stopped the total collapse of the market was the fed injections and they havent stopped pumping new money into it since the big fall. This will not sustain itself and they cannot keep pumping money into the markets without creating an overwhelming bubble. That is why you see government agencies grabbing up supplies, buying massive amounts of ammo, legislating new emergency power laws, doing nationwide blackout drills, and integrating the police and military together. Just look at what they are spending all this fake money on. Your food and other commodity prices are going to going to continue to soar to new highs because of the new money printing and we have only seen a small part of the overall inflation coming. Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. As long as the fed keeps supplying a false bottom in the stock market, speculators will continue to pump money into the market. And because it is guaranteed to not crash as long as the fed artificially pumps money in the bubble will be bigger than ever before. When the fed stops printing money because they cant inflate the dollar anymore because of fear of a global currency war, then the markets will begin to pull back to reflect that. And the market is full of self fulfilling prophecies due to technical trading (how I picked the bottom). It will move back to its baseline and then the feds will have to intervene again. When that happens, it will all slowly crumble. Please do your research on the fed and understand that this cant sustain itself no matter what our Congress does. The debt is unsustainable and they know it. They are going for broke and waiting for the global financial collapse that is coming. Get ready my friends. Its not coming tomorrow or maybe even several years from now. But it is coming, you cant deny the logic and the mathematics of it. youtube/watch?v=eMRfDv8v-UM
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:25:22 +0000

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