**** Your Quicker Lifestyle Transformation Is Inside Of This Post - TopicsExpress


**** Your Quicker Lifestyle Transformation Is Inside Of This Post **** Whether you like it or not, your appearance & FIRST IMPRESSION is attracting MONEY to you FAST or its LOSING you money FAST... now I am not talking about your weight, your natural attractive nature, etc, I am simply talking about the way your PRESENT YOURSELF... The FIRST THING that I believe will attract people into your life is YOUR SMILE, you cant be afraid to smile... its one of the most welcoming things a human can do to make people feel SAFE and comfortable... Your action step RIGHT NOW, is to go through your facebook profile, make sure your profile timeline cover and profile picture is happy, smiling and welcoming, if its not, you can forget about using facebook to make sales, and if you do get sales from a non-welcoming picture, I can promise you are attracting the wrong people into your business. THE FIX: If there are pictures where you dont feel they are welcoming, then get rid of them, whats the point of sharing them with the world? - If its a lifestyle type of shot, thats cool, but make sure its not a bunch of lifestyle shots only where it just looks like you are trying to be cool, once again, try to become welcoming. Guess what? - You arent cool if you arent welcoming people into your business ;) The SECOND THING you need to start thinking about is your appearance, what you are wearing etc... now I am not telling you to be someone that you are NOT, but I am saying, if you dont look like you are put together, people arent going to want to work with you. Whether you like it or not, people associate wealth with Put-Together-Ness - now I am not saying you need business suits and ties, because I hate those, but the closer you can get to dressing nicer, the more money you will make. Honestly, its something I wish I cared about a little more because if I started wearing a little bit nicer clothes, I would probably attract more money and people into my life... But thats my nature, my internet lifestyle is truly about t-shirts and comfy shorts, HOWEVER, its something for you to think about RIGHT NOW, how fast you want to move. Some of my first videos online, I was in a blazer type of jacket, wearing nicer clothes, and it attracted some of my first followers fast, whether they even knew it or not... Once they knew me, I knew that I could dress down because they knew my heart, my results, and my passion to serve them... Many industry leaders you RESPECT right now, did the exact same thing. Fake it till you make it - they say right? (but dont fake your numbers, youll never be blessed for long) - FACT: Apples founder Steve Jobs started his business inside of his parents garage, but everyone on the outside used to think it was some monster executive head quarters! Look, its not peoples fault they associate wealth with clothes, its just how we were raised, it brings a form of trust and authority, without saying a word. The THIRD THING that I will share with you today that you can understand if you want QUICKER results in your business, is the CONSISTENT VALUE that you are sharing. Now I am not talking about just training value, but life value, inspiration etc, because even though you may not be equipped with a lot of wisdom to change peoples lives yet, you can still share the things you are learning on a daily basis with others. YOU HAVE TO SERVE PEOPLE FIRST before they are going to exchange money for your products or services. People dont care about what you are doing, until they know how much you care. For example: I share pictures about my little girl, family, etc, and get 50-250 likes every time of people saying how great the picture is etc, but there is so much more underlying that like and comment... people like and comment on my family pictures because, its about what I have done for my likers first (providing value, training, wisdom) - that makes them even care to like and comment on my lifestyle type of pictures. Many of you rockstars who are reading this right now, think about that, you arent just liking my stuff, just because - you are liking it, because I have shared my heart and soul with you for years. I have put in thousands of hours of value to this online world, social media world, etc, you could literally go through my timeline from top to bottom, and write several books of pure wisdom and value I have shared. (in fact, its something Id like to do in the future) BUT YOU CAN SCREW THIS ALL UP by sharing with the world your PROBLEMS, you can literally be on a roll sharing value post after value post, but if you SCREW UP, and share something stupid, negative, dumb, you could screw up all that credibility you have been earning over the last few months or even years. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, youll do things differently - Warren Buffet (billionaire) You have to REALIZE HOW POWERFUL your actions are right now, you literally must stay on the PROSPER PATH for years to come if you truly want to make a difference in your life... YOU CANNOT SWAY BACK AND FORTH, people dont like flaky people, they want to follow people THEY CAN TRUST and can rely on. Today, I want you to think about that? Can people trust and rely on you to stay on the narrow path to success? If they cant... You can change that today! If they can... You are well on your way! If you saw this post, let me know by commenting or liking below, and please share your input in the comments below as well, I would really appreciate your feedback :)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:25:32 +0000

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