Your Untapped Power You have - TopicsExpress


Your Untapped Power You have it—you just need to learn how to use it! You have a power you may have never considered before. The Bible acknowledges that you have this power. You, and you alone, control this power—and you’ve had it most of your life. What is it? The power is your words. Words? Think about it. Just how powerful are words? Consider: Generals can use inspirational words to rally an army to victory against a greater foe. The motivational words of a coach can spur a team on to success, even when defeat seems imminent. Also consider examples closer to home: How much can the right words from a best friend change your mood when you are discouraged? Or how much can a harsh, biting joke or insult discourage you? Yes, words are powerful! It has often been said that the pen is mightier than the sword—meaning that the written word can effect more changes than even war. Yet it’s arguable that the spoken word—with the emotion, the passion, the facial expressions—is even more powerful than the written word. And you have that power! How wisely do you use it? Considering the immense impact you can have on the lives of others—for good or evil—isn’t it worth thinking about your choice of words? The Bible says yes.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 07:50:06 +0000

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