ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 30, 2010 "Good and evil are - TopicsExpress


ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 30, 2010 "Good and evil are personal qualities that are often disembodied and given a life of their own. Movies depict the various sides of a conflict as dressed in white for the good guys, and black for the bad guys. Star Wars defines one side of the Force, a rogue side, as the Dark Side. The Bible declares there are Angels and also Fallen Angels. And of course there is Heaven and Hell, which we have explained is not a place but a social setting - being allowed to live with those who are Service-to-Other or being damned to live with others who are Service-to-Self until you see the light and go right. Other than high level Service-to-Self entities, who can only give consultation but not otherwise influence your life, there is no malevolent force in the Universe that might be called the source of all evil. Examine what you term evil. What elements are evil? Those that are malvolent, mean you harm, will seduce you into your own destruction, do not care a wit about you, wish to own or direct you, trap you, and perhaps play sadistic games with you. How well does that fit a Service-to-Self attitude? One interacting with a Service-to-Self individual finds they are treated like a commodity, with indifference to any pain or suffering you may endure while the Service-to-Self individual promotes his agenda. Service-to-Self individuals seek control over others, to rule, and are given to sadism when exalting in their power. Likewise, the characteristics of good can all be ascribed to individuals in the Service-to-Other - caring, empathy, heroism, sacrifice for others, sharing, and the empowerment of the other."
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 13:35:26 +0000

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