a great form of ignorance and or Idiocy going on,,, but I firmly - TopicsExpress


a great form of ignorance and or Idiocy going on,,, but I firmly know its a calculated form to bring the usa down a few pegs, and if the gov brains do not know it then they are a part of it,, O ba ma is part of the world order plan of the super rich which have no alliance to any country or nation to control their assents,, call me crazy ,,but Im crazy like a fox and the yare too, and until the rest of the americans pull together no mater what race creed or color to stop this we all are in a H of a mess, economy getting better bull crap do not believe it, unemployment down yeah because most of given up on finding a job or many are working two -four part time jobs to make one full time job,, O ba ma loves the middle class and the poor so he can work the shit out of them for nothing and all the money go for taxes, 14 minutes ago · Like Robert Chavis further more the usa is now worried about russia and its power take over ,, how about addressing the stolen birth rights of native Indian peoples and nations of these now called usa,,, the north american peoples and nations could be stronger if the usa would honor our native nations sovereign rights here before worrying about another country just doing the same plan they learned form the usa on the natives here, take over with colonial / euro laws and regulation and screw up the whole mess, just like the romans, just like Babylon, just like Greece, just like the nazi germany deal, the plan that took away our native Indian lands and rights has failed all over the world,, so until the USA honors all of the pre-contact native nations and peoples rights of brith , rights of land here in north america there is always going to be a scar on the so-called foundering fathers and the new heads of state that do not honor the TWO ROW TREATY of 1619, , that do not honor all the treaties made, they do not even honor their U.S. Constitution laws article VI, that relates to the honoring of all the treaties and debts of the usa after it being formed, the usa will go the way of many empires until they make it right with many, for the hand writing is on the wall for those smart enough to see,,,many will disagree with my words ,,but they are very true words,,thank you for your time,,, any one wanting to learn true history of the forming of the usa just ask,,,and check out the hell fire club,,,
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:14:55 +0000

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