channel from Lady Emanuella The Rose Ray & The Rose Flame - TopicsExpress


channel from Lady Emanuella The Rose Ray & The Rose Flame The Violet Ray combined with the Ruby Ray of the first chakra produces the color pink in the Three-Fold Flame. This is the color perceived by souls who have not yet transcended duality and function consciously in the world of spirit. The Ruby Ray of the first chakra combined with the pure White Light found in the core of the Soul Star produces the color Rose in the Heart Center. Rose is not red, nor is it pink. Rose is the color identified in the sacred Three Fold Flame of the Heart when the soul has blended into the level of Spirit and knows it is a spiritual being having a form life experience. The soul can then easily access the higher dimensions of Cosmic Spirit or the advanced Kingdoms of Light. In order for the soul to achieve this level of being, it must have become proficient at resolving duality into harmony. A soul, who has gained a good deal of experience in transforming conflict (present in all dualities) into harmony, will be able to enter into the higher dimensional spaces of Spirit causing the previous color pink to transform into rose. Transforming dualities into harmony means the soul has developed the ability to remove conflict from a situation by revealing a higher truth or a higher understanding previously unknown to all parties involved in the conflict. The ability to do this means the soul has developed wisdom and is learning how to tap into the infinite perception found freely in the more evolved Kingdoms of Light. The presence of spiritual wisdom always denotes advanced understanding. With this information, one can see how the function of the Violet Flame has more of a transmuting effect whereas the function of the Rose Flame has more of a transforming effect. One transmutes while the other transforms. One connects you spiritually to specific areas of Cosmic Life while the other blends you into harmony with vast interconnected fields of Cosmic Light and Life and all that this implies. This form of Light brings forth a massive change in the human psyche. Note: Infinite Love is the core intention and foundational state of being that nurtures all healing, growth, and transformation in the realms of Spirit. Invoking the Rose flame somehow interacts with the energy of Infinite Love which is now anchored into the third dimension and to the human bio-electromagnetic field.It is the essential common denominator present in the vast Universal mega fields of the Spirit Light. By invoking the rose Flame, we will be creating a Unified Field of Healing and a massive outpouring of miraculous healing energy into civilization. The Rose Ray is the Divine Feminine counterpart to the Ruby Ray. As many know, it is the Ruby Ray that has been associated with Christ. The Rose Ray is equal in status and aciivates an outpouring of the Divine Feminine energies which is long known to be the descent of the Cosmic Holy Spirit into matter. Lady Emanuella, is the cosmic transmitter, activator, and stabilizer of this Ray which is now being released into matter to augment the final stages of the ongoing Planetary Ascension and Human Transformation. The Rose Ray is also known as the Rose Flame. It is the first outpouring from a unified field emanating from clear light. Subsequently, it is the first effect experienced as a soul rises from the visible realm into the invisible realm of spirit. This Ray functions as the primary interface between the spiritual and the material and is the first color of the invisible light spectrum whereas the violet light is the highest color in the visible spectrum. The desired effects in the ongoing process of human transformation cannot be completed if one focuses only on the Violet Ray. The Rose Light is a higher spectrum of the electromagnetic wavelength than the Violet Light: it also carries the highest healing frequency and is fused with the massive fields of abundance seen in all the Kingdom’s of God’s Light. Souls who stand on the plane of matter cannot achieve an effective blending of the material and the spiritual unless the Violet Ray and the Rose Ray are used in unison. Let this victorious news go forth as this is the first time since the great fall in Atlantis that this particular portal of Light has been opened into the third dimension. Access into the higher evolution is now readily available to all souls who are compatible with the new energies and who are accepting the leap forward into the New Enlightenment. The Rose Flame is a Higher Love – “The Rose Flame is the first outpouring from a Unified Field of Clear Light. Today we have those souls who can accept increased responsibility for the healing of self, others, society and the planet. They are focused on equitable human rights, fairness in the workplace, justice, the end of hunger, the removal of suffering, and the stabilization of our planetary environment. Behind such focused intent lie caring hearts desiring to find some way to lift a great burden of suffering from the people of the world. Regardless of location, we walk the plane of matter together at this point in time and space. Now we can do something together as one family with a collective heart of love. We can manifest together a Unified Field of Healing through this world. Such a field of power can only be activated by “tuning in to an intensity of Higher Love”. Through God-s great Mercy, the energy of Infinite Love is now anchored on this planet. It is so powerful that it can access the power of the Holy Spirit and bathe this world with a massive outpouring of Healing Energy and Abundance. This portal of Light has not been opened for a very long time; it was closed long ago when the darkness of ignorance began to consume the land. Complete knowledge of the Rose Ray was not previously released to the public for several reasons. The right to release it had to be won; humanity had to be ready, and of course, we needed to release it into a Light Matrix that was sufficiently activated. In this way, the power of the Rose Flame could not be circumvented to increase the energies of disharmony that were already present on the planet. Lady Emanuella is the Embodiment of the Divine Feminine. For further information, please visit:
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:15:58 +0000

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