compromise An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is - TopicsExpress


compromise An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. The Left and the Right have become so polarized, is compromise still possible? The United States was founded on the principle of compromise, as evident in the Northern States compromise with the Southern States on Questions of Slavery. In 2013 this spirit of compromise appears to be dead. How is America to prosper or even survive when one of its founding principles has been buried under layers of emotional political rhetoric? Compromise is a basic premise of humans’ ability to relate to each other. As a simple example: The wife wants a new car, the husband wants a new truck. Do they end the marriage because they both can’t have what they want? NO! They COMPROMISE, and purchase an SUV! Next we will extrapolate that principle to an issue that every American has an opinion on. The Illegal Immigration “Problem” There are, by various sources between 8 and 12 million illegal aliens living in the United States, the majority (57%) are Mexican citizens. The Left and The Right have very different views on the “cure” for this “problem” I will layout the most extremes of both sides, which sadly are the LEAST each side will settle for. The Left-Most Democrats: A Pathway to Citizenship! The Right-Most Republicans: Deport them all! Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights? Courts Have Ruled They Do. I implore everyone to read this article. usgovinfo.about/od/rightsandfreedoms/a/illegalrights.htm It is the most complete and non-political I could find. A Pathway to Citizenship This is not possible; each and every illegal alien committed a crime when they entered this country. They should not be rewarded, for that criminal act with citizenship. Legal residence? Amnesty should be granted for the crime of illegal entry. Legal Residency should be based on any illegal behavior while in the U.S. The American People will never accept blanket citizenship for illegal immigrants, nor should they. The majority of illegal aliens are hard working people like you and I, looking for a better life for their families. It is time to add 8 to 11 million new tax payers to the roles. The Right-Most Republicans: Deport them all! Being a life-long Conservative Republican this “cure” actually more difficult to address the Democrats “cure”! This is nothing more than an emotional based, knee jerk reaction brought forth by pseudo patriots who disgrace the American flag by wrapping themselves in it and screaming SEND THEM ALL BACK! Is this statement harsh? I pray it is! There are so many reasons this is not possible! Here are just a few. How are we going to find them? Are they going to carry signs saying “please deport me”? If we do find “them, where will they be held, while their cases wind their way through the court system. How much will it cost to house and feed 8 to 11 million people? What about the children born here, regardless of what we think THEY ARE under the 14 amendment AMERICAN CITIZENS! What about the inhumanity of ripping families apart! Mexico has said they will not allow the mass deportation into its economy. Think about it 1000 buses full of deportees are at the U.S. Mexico border, just as the Mexican Army closes the gates, what will happen to the 30,000 people? CNN will have a field day! So what are we to do with this “problem?” Compromise! Remember when you son was shopping for his first car? He wanted the sports model, you wanted him to have the 4 door “safe car” you both compromised and he ended up with the 2 door coupe(with the small engine) ~Pastor Don Champion~
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:17:10 +0000

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