dont believe a word of it (-{ In the 1970s, Miguel Serrano, a - TopicsExpress


dont believe a word of it (-{ In the 1970s, Miguel Serrano, a poet, esoteric author, Nazi sympathiser, and former Chilean diplomat, claimed that Hitler was still alive and communing with Hyperborean gods in an underground Antarctic base. He predicted that the notorious dictator would lead a fleet of UFOs from there and establish a Fourth Reich. According to official history, the Germans embarked on three expeditions to the Antarctic, the third of which in 1938 was organised by the Nazis. A number of alternative researchers believe ice-free areas with vegetation were discovered during this trip. Others claim Hitler found refuge there after escaping Germany at the end of WWII, living in a secret Nazi-built base dubbed, “Station 211” (or “Base 211”). German “Holocaust-denier,” campaigner and lecturer Ernst Zundel has stated that Nazi UFOs are regularly launched from this location in order to monitor humanity until such a time when they will make another bid for world domination. Vladimir Terziski, a Bulgarian engineer and physicist claims that Nazi Germany worked in partnership with Italy and Japan during WWII on advanced craft research and continued their efforts after the war in Antarctica. He also holds the view that the Germans probably landed on the moon as early as 1942 and established an underground base there. He also believes the moon has an atmosphere as well as water and vegetation. Although there’s no denying the technological advances made by the Germans before and during WWII, especially with regards to the development and use of the V-2 Rocket as an aerial weapon over London, France, Belgium and the Netherlands from 1944 onwards, the debate continues as to further breakthroughs. The official line vehemently disputes those who believe that flying saucers and other forms of anti-gravitational craft had been built. In March 1950, Italian scientist, Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo was reported to have stated that “types of flying discs were designed and studied in Germany and Italy as early as 1942.” Belluzzo, a former Italian Minister of National Economy under the Mussolini regime also added that BMW had been involved with the development. The famous automobile manufacturer was also implicated by German engineer Rudolf Schriever in 1965 during an interview for the German magazine ’Der Spiegel’ in which he claimed that he’d designed a circular plane of rotating turbine blades 49 ft in diameter. He said the project was developed by him and his team at BMW’s Prague works until 1945. He was also reported to have said on more than one occasion that his designs for the disk were stolen from his workshop in 1948. Meanwhile, German engineer Georg Klein reportedly told the press in the 1950s that he was present in 1945 when the first piloted “flying saucer” took off and reached a speed of 1,3000 miles per hour within 3 minutes. In 1959, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, editor of the US Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ wrote: “When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers.” Indeed, the German rocket experts were valued highly by the US Military/Intelligence Complex and recruited many of them following the end of WWII under ’Operation Paperclip,’ a program that secretly employed Nazi scientists from not only rocketry, but aeronautics, electronics and medicine. One of those enlisted for their expertise was Wernher von Braun, a respected German-born rocket scientist and Nazi Party member who was credited with being responsible for the realisation of the V-2 Rocket. In 1960, he became the first director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre and was later credited as the leading force in the development of the Saturn V booster that helped propel the Apollo spacecraft to the moon in 1969. The Nazi/UFO saga is a long and convoluted one, far too extensive to be featured in depth here. It’s a saga that also connects to claims that the Third Reich was involved in assignations with extraterrestrials, trips to Mars, esoteric expeditions to Tibet and attempts to gain further knowledge about the lost, ancient civilisation known as ‘Atlantis’ and Aryan super-races. For more information about ‘Iron Sky,’ check out the official website here:
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:15:46 +0000

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