fear is a factor that makes one forget who you truly are. It is - TopicsExpress


fear is a factor that makes one forget who you truly are. It is always accompanied with doubt. You begin to disbelieve what you believed, dreamed and visionalized earlier. It makes you loose your self esteem. Or on the other hand, it makes you over react inorder to creat a false security. Both scenario is bad for a young person. You are forced to settle for less or you scare away both opportunities and helper. The fearful are always having inferiority complex. On the other hand too, the fearful are always looking for their likes to gang up in order to create a sense of security. They are mostly the cult boys and girls. They can not stand alone. They can not do without over reacting to situation to create terror in order to hide under the terror. They hide their fear under the much terror they created. The fearless are positively brave. They attack situation rather than personality. They see problems as a stepping stone to success. They are always looking for solution to problem not complaining about the problem. They address the cause of the problem rather than addressing the symptom. They always think deeply because their mind is calm. They compliment zeal with vigour, charisma with knowledge, vision with hardwork, dream with achievement. This is what every I expect from a true youth not fear forbia! Stand up for what is right! Stand head tall to confront the present problems and predicament. Never settle for less! You are still who you are created to be. You are the head stop being the tail!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:44:34 +0000

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