from Robin Rheaume: Chris Hitchens had a favorite challenge he - TopicsExpress


from Robin Rheaume: Chris Hitchens had a favorite challenge he would oft repeat, Name one ethical statement made, or one ethical action performed, by a believer that could not have been uttered or done by a nonbeliever. I cannot. But in failing this challenge, it gives one the impression that there are no acts that a believer can perform that a non-believer cannot. And I have found this to be untrue. There are two cases I have come across frequently where believers triumph and there are no equivalent stories for non-believers: (1) spontaneous uplift from chronic hardship. By this Im thinking about the numerous stories of people involved in crime or severe drug addiction who, in finding God, turn their life around completely. I know of absolutely no such cases of people turning their lives around because they found atheism. (2) finding solace in long term hardship. By this I mean cases exactly like this woman. What is sometimes called the protestant work ethic but more generally is found as this credo of subservience and humility fits hand in glove with the exploitation of workers - something common throughout history. I dont mean to paint it in such negative light: the fact is, there are people suffering chronic hardship whose belief in God and eventual reward provides then with the comfort to find joy and meaning in their everyday existence. Atheist belief just provides no comfort here. Of course this could very well mean that if the masses of the world were non-believers, we would have seen far more revolution and better worker rights. Or perhaps more suicide. I dont mean to suggest that belief versus non belief is absolutely better. But for the individual facing severe hardship, I put my money on the believer to find a way through with less depression and mental illness. Yes there may be some amazing individuals who are the exception - people like Viktor Frankl - but those cases are extremely rare compared to the millions upon millions of long-suffering people who have found comfort in God. Some might say that this is because God helps the believers through. But I see the believers as helping themselves. Besides, any just God would help believers and non in equal measure.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 05:04:56 +0000

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