hey beautiful people! here is a copy of tonights letter. read and - TopicsExpress


hey beautiful people! here is a copy of tonights letter. read and comment freely. your advice is welcomed. remember too that your comments will be read live during the programme at 1930 hrs. TITLE: I AM SORRY Letter from Damien to Rosaline Dear Rosaline, I am so ashamed putting pen to paper as I write you this letter. I feel I have no right whatsoever writing you or expressing myself to you. Not after all I did to you in the past. But my dear, a man must swallow his pride sometimes and do the right thing. It is now five years since I sent you packing. My God! I can’t believe I am actually admitting that I sent you packing. Thinking about it now, it is so embarrassing. I know now that those six years we lived together as man and wife must have been the worst six years of your life. I know because I have come to realize that I am the most difficult human being on earth to live with. I never appreciated your efforts in trying to make our marriage work. I took your silence and obedience for granted. I felt it was your duty as a wife to obey me no matter what. Yet Rosaline, you obeyed me. Even when I made you cry, in your tears you obeyed my every instructions. Come to think of it, I cannot seem to recall your face without tears. I realized that the last time I saw a genuine smile on your face was during our courtship period. It dawned on me that rather than be your source of joy I made myself your source of pain. Rose, please I beg you to forgive me. I am sorry for my temper tantrums. I am sorry for all those times I pour the food you spent time and energy to cook on you, just because that was not what I wanted to eat. Each time I did that, you cried. Still you go back to the kitchen to prepare whatsoever I asked for no matter the time of day. I am sorry for all those times you worked hard to get the house cleaned and I dirty it without consideration because I felt it was your duty to clean the house, after all you are a house wife. What was that all about? I can’t understand it myself. At the time I felt you were not doing enough to justify your sitting at home all day while I kill myself at work trying to make you happy. Now I wonder, what kind of mindset did I have about marriage? These days I ask myself this question a lot. I feel like a self-centered monster. How could I have been so insensitive? Looking back, I feel so ashamed about how I treated you especially during pregnancy. I let you go it all alone. I could not understand why you should complain all the time just because you were pregnant. It was so irritating watching you being sluggish. I remember I stayed away from home most of the time. I justified my actions by telling myself I needed peace and Happiness. Peace and Happiness? Hum… In my ignorance I failed to understand that true peace and happiness comes from sharing in your joys and in your pains. I remembered that night. You were pregnant with our second child and I sent you packing. I told you I was tired of you and the marriage. I said all sorts of nasty things. Pleading and in tears you left my house. The picture from the scene that night still haunts me like a horrible nightmare. I thought I could manage without you. But Rosy, I am fooling myself. It has been hell living these five years without you. My house is empty! My life is empty! In fact nothing is working. Kelvin, our son lives with my sister. She does her best but it is not the same. Rosy, I know I do not have the right to ask this of you, but please come back home. Come back so we can become a family again. I need you to make our home work. I have never said I am sorry to you before this letter, but now I say it over and again; I am sorry. I am very, very sorry. Please forgive me and come back to me. Your Damien
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:33:40 +0000

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