hi folks, on 20th April, 2014, I have given an exclusive - TopicsExpress


hi folks, on 20th April, 2014, I have given an exclusive interactive lecture on WORLD CINEMA, to the members of TELUGU FILM DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. In the session, i have shared my views, opinions on the World Cinema, duly citing the story lines, explaining the important scenes, and the screen play styles from various films of my choice. Thanks to VEERA SHANKAR, director garu, for giving me this opportunity... here is my perception and understanding of World Cinema and the key-notes of the lecture for u... Salient features of WORLD CINEMA: Cinema is a visual art higher importance to Creative Aesthetics Characterization Originality in the behavior of the characters Native Stories Different screenplay Novelty in Screen Presentation Historical Period portrayal True representation of Culture & Heritage Revisiting the by-gone era Authenticity of content Realistic Approach Research and Factual presentation Costume work and the language AFRICAN CINEMA: - Nigeria is the biggest film industry in the Africa. It is popularly known as NOLLYWOOD - OUSMENE SEMBENE i s treated as the FATHER OF AFRICAN FILM - Dominantly of social/political themes - No commercial cinema LATIN AMERICAN CINEMA: - Dominated by Mexican films - CINEMA NOVO MOVEMENT gave birth to many films in Brazil - DEATH TRILOGY director, Alejandro Gonjalej Inaroitu is the prominent film maker. BABEL(2006) is one of the greatest work of him EUROPEAN CINEMA: - Its a combination of GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM, FRENCH IMPRESSIONISM and ITALIAN NEO-REALISM MY CHOICE LIST OF IMPORTANT FILM MAKERS AND THEIR FILMS VITTORIA DE CICCA- Italian- The Bicycle Thief, Shoe-shine, Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, Marriage Italian Style, The Garden of the Finzi Continis AKIRA KUROSAWA—Japan—Roshomon, Dersu Uzala, Seven Samurai, Ikiru (to live), Dodeska-Den, Kagemusha-The Shadow Warrior TARKOVSKY—Russian—Stalker, Nostalgia, Ivan’s Childhood INGMER BERGMAN—Sweden—The Virgin Spring, Through A Glass Darkly, Fanny and Alexander ROMAN POLANSKY—Poland—Knife in the Water GIOSEPPE TORNATORE—Italy—Cinema Paradiso, The Star Maker ROBERTO BENIGNI – Italy—Life is Beautiful FERNANDO MEIRELLIES – Brazil – City of God ABBAS KIAROSHTAMI—Where’s the Friend’s Home, Close-up (cinema Mohsen Makhmalbef identity) MAJID MAJIDI ---Iran—Children of Heaven, The Color of Paradise JAFAR PANAHI—Iran—Off side(foot ball), The White Balloon (a girl, who want to buy a fish), Crimson Gold(Pizza delivery man), The Circle (4 women- 4 styles of film making) MARTIN SCORSESE – Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, The Departed FEDERICO FELLINI—Italy—8 1/2, La Strada, Nights of Cabiria, Amarcord, RENE CLEMENT—French—The Walls of Malapaga, Forbidden Games MICHAEL CASOYANNIS—Greek—Electra NOBORU NAKAMARA – Japan – Twin Sisters of Kyoto, Portrait of Chicko COSTA GAVRAS – Algeria – Z ANG LEE – Taivan—The Wedding Banquet, Eat Drink Man Woman, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Life of Pi ASGHAR FARHADI- Persian, Iran- A SEPARATION MICHAEL HANAKE – French—Amour (love) YOJIRO TAKITA – Japan – Departures
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 10:26:23 +0000

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