howard sat before the audience. a strange creature sat before him. - TopicsExpress


howard sat before the audience. a strange creature sat before him. the natural course of evolution of one of the many genetically modified humaniods he had created some three million years ago. and she asked him what is the secret, what is the secret to your success? Howard took a deep breath sipped his scotch and spoke The secret is not anything i have done, but more ofwhat i have learned. at an early age i remember sitting in a bar at which my aunt worked back some three million and fifty years ago when i was getting ready to begin kindergarten. there sitting next to me were two humans, with thick beards, and flannel shirts. one told the other an excerpt from an essay by neitzche. i did not know who neitzche was at the time, yet i was mesmerized by the tale of the hawks and sheep. surprising as it was, maybe from genetics, possibly from divine intervention, i personally believe the former. It resonated with me. and i understood what it truly meant to be a moral nihilist. which is not doing whatever you please, but to carefully consider through logic and forethought the pros and cons of your actions. every word you say every step you make carries with it consequences that last for years. the ability to carefully consider the ripples of your actions and how they affect you enables you, arms you, to make the best decision you possible can, more so than morality. which is to put it simply to act according to how your society deems you should act. to think deeply for yourself the course of action you should take and the consequences of those action not immediately not tomorrow but years, even decades, down the road is the first step. the second step was due in great part to the fact that at the same time, my father took it upon himself, to instead of bed time stories from dr. suess, a popular childrens author in my childhood,would play audio books of zig zigler, roger dawson, brian tracy, these were my bed times stories. motivational speakers, sales men, negotiators, and with these stories i learned how to read people. how to predict and read the people around you. this gave me the ability to make even more precise calculations on the outcome of my decisions. the third step was connections, to bring as many people as you can into your circle, and learn there strengths and weakness, there secrets and their triumphs, you can make even more precise calculations, and look even further into the ripples of your actions on the world around you and how they will come back to haunt you, or hold you up. the final step, the most important step, is something i learned much later. it is the realization that failure is not a bad thing that losing is not losing, to come to terms with the fact that sometimes the only option is failure, to realize that sometimes in order to win you have to come in last place. because your story isnt over until you stop breathing, and that my dear creature is my secret. what do you guys think good ending for my novel or waaay too cheesey
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 02:21:31 +0000

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