#imagine as requested by Stephanie Swift ft. Luhan It was - TopicsExpress


#imagine as requested by Stephanie Swift ft. Luhan It was Halloween. Exactly three months after the break-up. You let out a sigh as you waited on the sidewalk for your friend. The two of you had agreed to go shopping for snacks and a few clothes, but your friend was nowhere to be seen. Just where is she? you said to yourself, taking your phone out to call her. The screen lit up. You stared at the happy couple on your lockscreen. They were smiling brightly, sharing a cup of bubble tea in their hands. Looking at the picture only widened the emotional scar, but you couldnt bring yourself to remove it. It still brought back many happy memories with him. Luhan. The one who promised hed stay. The one who promised to protect you. You hated him for cheating on you, but yet you still had feelings for him. You tried to stop thinking of him, but he was always stuck there in your mind. You called your friend multiple times but to no avail. It was until the final time you called that she picked up. WHERE ARE YOU? you shouted. Woah woah woah chill. Im on my way! your friend laughed nervously. You had better be here in ten minutes or Ill kill you. Fine, Im sorry- Beep. You ended the call abruptly. You didnt mean to be this mad at her, but you felt really frustrated. Plopping down onto a bench, you took a deep breath and tried to calm down. You missed Luhan badly, you wanted him back. Just as you were deep in thought, you were distracted by a pumpkin-shaped bucket dropping beside you. You immediately looked up, trying to find where it came from. But no one approached you to retrieve it. Thats weird, you thought, picking up the bucket. As you picked it up, a piece of paper fluttered into your lap. Im sorry, (y/n) it read. Sorry? you blinked, And its for me... you commented. You flipped over the lid and saw that the bucket was filled with chocolates and marshmallows. Bon bons, strawberry-cream marshmallows, every sugary treat youve always loved muching on. But who would give me these? you asked yourself, pulling open a wrapper and popping a piece of chocolate into your mouth. Then it hit you. Could it be... Luhan? a voice completed your question as someone hugged you suddenly from behind, making you freeze. You gradually relaxed as you smelled a sweet scent. Luhans shampoo. I missed you so much, Luhan sighed. Of all people, why me? Dont you have that... woman to go to? you frowned and pulled away from his embrace, hiding the fact that you were elated to see your ex-boyfriend again. I already broke up with her. You what? your eyes were wide open in disbelief. I left her once I found out the truth. She only wanted to be with me so she wasnt the only one single in her group of friends and also because she wanted to be popular. She used me. She didnt even have real feelings for me. he explained. I told you you made the wrong choice, you huffed, crossing your arms. Look, (y/n), Im sorry I cheated on you with her. We were getting a little distant from each other, and she took that chance to jump in between us. he explained, holding out his phone, showing a photo. She even showed me this picture of you and another guy being close- What? You didnt even tell me... you looked up at him. Well when you wanted to break up you didnt even give me a chance to talk. You just ranted at me and left. I even tried calling and texting you, but you always ignored me. he shook his head, sitting down next to you So it was my fault too. Im sorry. About the other guy, he was just a childhood friend. I dont know how that witch got the photo, but I swear he was just trying to disturb me while I was eating ice cream. And the angle made it look like we were... kissing, you bit your lip, looking away from him. The both of you were quiet for a few moments, until you two broke the silence together. Will you forgive me? you asked at the same time, looking into each others eyes. Yes. You broke into a wide smile and hugged him tightly. I love you, Luhan, although its not exactly the most romantic day to reunite, you breathed. I love you too, he chuckled, cupping your cheeks as his face inched closer to yours. Once again, after a long time, your lips locked in a sweet kiss. Luhans phone rang with an incoming message but he ignored it, never pulling away. Unknown to you, your friend was hiding behind a nearby tree, grinning victoriously as she glanced at the two of you enjoying the blissful moment. She was the one who sent the message. It read, Youre welcome, Luhan. A/N: Im sorry it came out this late but I had a major writers block for a while there >-< asdfghjkl i hope you enjoyed your imagine anyway~ ~PuppyJeong~
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:34:40 +0000

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