jabezinaction.blogspot/ Monday, 25 November 2013 Engage Into - TopicsExpress


jabezinaction.blogspot/ Monday, 25 November 2013 Engage Into Battle Children of Love, Love speaks. Open your hearts to Me. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Rejoice in Me. I stand before you in love. I await your fiats in order to raise you to holiness. I have many gifts to share. I desire to bless you beyond imagination. Make yourselves obedient unto Me. Do not doubt Me. Trust. I call you once more to holiness. Amend your ways. Seek out My consecrated sons, and be right with Me. Do not keep any mortal sin upon your soul. Walk the narrow path. Millions are lost. My heart breaks each time My children transgress My laws. I see all they do. I hear their thoughts, and know their every plan. Beloved, pray. Pray without ceasing for Satan has an army of warriors willing to do his bidding, and this must stop. Pick up your rosaries, and engage into battle. Each prayer will bear fruit. I promise to reward your faithfulness upon your passing. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Miraculous Stories From The Mailbag The following are personal stories from our readers of miracles in their lives, angelic (and demonic) encounters, near-death experiences, and much more. If you have a story you would like to share, please email us at SaintPioFan@AfterTheWarning. (Photos are always welcome too.) PERSICUTION Last night I woke up from a horrible dream. Normally I would not think anything of it beyond just a bad dream, but this time was different. I usually don’t dream of things so realistic nor do I dream about the future. My dreams are usually shattered fragments, like movie scripts without a story line. But last night was different. It was so real, so foreboding, that I felt I needed to share it with my readers… just in case. I found myself walking with my wife in a suburb area. It was a beautiful day, yet a commotion was occurring ahead of us. We took notice to a police line ahead, facing away from us. As we walked past them, we realized that there was a protest occurring. Peaceful, but a protest none the less. I noticed that at the head of the officials was a woman in a position of authority. She was using a bull-horn to speak over the crowds. She was demanding that it was no longer lawful to speak about God or faith, and that the crowds needed to disperse. I had a sense that this was now the law of the land, and that law enforcement was carrying out orders to enforce the law. I instantly felt outraged that anyone would make such a demand, and so my wife and I walked into the protesting crowds and stood behind a wheel-chair bound man that I took to be a veteran. I raised my voice in protest along with the others insisting that no law can be made that can trump our 1st amendment right to freedom of speech here in the US. But try as we may, we just could not get our point heard. Our voices were continuously drowned out, and the law enforcement would not stop their demands long enough to allow us to be heard. Shortly afterwards, I found that we had been peacefully corralled into a building. I had a sense that we were expecting to be able to speak to an official and have our voices heard, but that was not to be. Evening set in and a storm rolled in. I remember hearing lightning outside, and I instantly felt a sense of danger, of foreboding, as if we had suddenly become trapped here like prisoners. I walked with my wife to a bathroom and, closing the door, we opened a window. About a foot or so away was a fire escape as we were a few floors up. The rain was coming down hard, but I knew we needed to get out of here. Instantly, I heard the word “PERSICUTION”. Fear swept across me as I realize we were in grave danger. Then I heard a most frightening sound. In the midst of the thunder I began hearing a popping sound, the sounds of gun fire. One… than another, than many more. It was an execution. At that moment I woke up, frightened as if I had just taken a peak into what is soon to come. I hope and pray that this was all just a bad dream and nothing more, but as I had said, I never usually dream, and when I do, I never dream of such things. May God have mercy on us, as I sense that this is certainly coming to us sooner that we thing. God Bless -Jim Fifth (Pa, USA)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 13:24:30 +0000

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