je depose un post a lire tranquillement.les gars Un petit texte - TopicsExpress


je depose un post a lire tranquillement.les gars Un petit texte que jai ecrit pour une universite. Peu etre vous inspira til. bise a tous bonne lecture et bonne reflexion. Presentation We have for mission to promoting truly organic and healthy food. Trying to stop or reduce, food waste. We also have another vision of life. Our aim is to provide information over what it’s happening in today food chain, while offering, together a proposition, idea and maybe even a solution. Why not? Today thanks of the power of the industrial food lobbying and their politician supporter we are destroying our mother earth. I say ‘We’, because we are all responsible for accepting their legal standards, which are increasingly shown to cause cancer. Today we throw away more then 40% of the all food we produce (Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO, United Nations and World Health Organisation report) To this we must add that of the 100% produce by farmers only 60% is sold due to high standards. This only contributes to the increasing reliance farmers have for subsidies. The same European rules and standards oblige the importers and distributors of organic food to wrap this beautiful fruit and vegetable under plastic. Why? Plastic = petrol = war = money. Wood waste = over production. Of course while we often talk about food waste, we also face a problem of OVER production. I know this sounds bizarre. But if 40% of food produced stays in the ground because of the standards. If after buying the remaining 60%, the importer and distributer throw away a further 10% from this volume (source importer direct) If after buying at this distributer, the supermarket throws away another 10% from this same production. For reasons that are not always valid such as expiry dates, marketing, naming errors or worse…(supermarket throw 600 000 000 kg food/years) thus 1 650 000 kg for days What does this leave us with? We, the consumer, throw away 30% of what we buying. (Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO, United Nations and World Health Organisation report) also THUS WE CAN TALK ABOUT OVERPRODUCTION and over consumption! How it this possible? The fact is that we still believe in the power of “producing more minds more power of money”, but it don’t mind power of buying. The actors in the political elite, agro-businesses and retailers work together and carrousel amongst each other. Over production results in higher food prices. We believe that food is scarce, or that there are too many mouths to feed or that there is not enough land. For example: tomatoes, we believe that there is a shortage. We must stop producing so many tonnes of Ketchup, low quality pizza, tomatoes sauce, fake soup, pasta mixes for Our school, that end up thrown away because the children do not like it. We will see if is not enough tomatoes producing. This is a sad situation. Like diamonds or gold. If the all the food that is produced would get to the market that price would also go down by 65%. Last year we produced 4 billion tonnes of food (4,000,000,000,000,000 kg). More then 1,8 milliard tonnes (source f.A.O, W.H.O.) never came in our plates. Just to see if is: 1€/kg. 1.8 milliard x tonnes (1000kg) 1,800.000.000.000 € per year and we looking for money!!!!!!!!! hummmmm and working more. This food, which we never see, creates debt, illnesses. Again unnecessary taxes are levied to solve the problems created by big business. From the other way, as customers, we can’t pay for organic food. But also, every cent we spend at the supermarket on branded goods contributes to the health crisis. Billions of euros are invested in diabetes, hart attack or cancer research (U.N. report). Again a nice business. How is possible? We all accept that people creating /making /producing / transporting/ and putting on our plate food which we do not require, that are unhealthy, and which are responsible for social, economic trouble and the destruction of our mother earth. Again we look for solutions. However we will only find true solutions by working together and changing our patterns of consumption (just stopping buying dangerous foods) Talking about solutions: Create with your friends, neighbours, colleagues, and family a small cooperative or collective Organise intelligent shopping direct with the grower, farmer. They are the most important for our nutrition. Help them. Go with your children to the farm. In the same time you are the BIO/EKO control. Again organise and plan to grow together. Imagine 10 people helping just 2 hours and have fun, talking and eating together good quality produce. Working 10 pa x 2 hours/week thus 20 hours in one day, other persons do the same + 40 hours time of labour. This reduces the farmer’s hard and heavy work as well as for their employees Making this ‘Pact of responsibility’ with your butcher, cheese grocer and restaurant. What is mind? Just buying what we like in the quantity necessary. The butcher order just the kilo for his conscious customer . With your group buy food in large volumes direct from a production or distributors. Also in other country, why not. Or act as a distributer you’re your neighbours. Create jobs, earn salaries and benefit. Sharing is central to the pact. Only buy what is necessary and good and healthy for you family, no more no less. This way you can create work. Yes, in many locations we can reopen small shops. Learning together about winning time that we can use for cooking together and for other people. Less stock (goods) at every step of the food and retail chain, less production, less pollution and maybe less taxes. Good things for schools, transport, hospital. We cannot stop the world production, but we can obligate them to make just what it’s necessary. Less low wage work. The food, which is produced in those most rich countries, with the more poor and hunger people can finally stay there and be eating. Every 5 second, one children die for hunger. 5 seconds. Remember the 1.8 billion tonnes of food. Of course this is a pact with different growers across the all world. But believe it, there are a lot of people working this way. They are all serious, but they are suffering because we don’t buy their vegetables or other produce. Instead we buy easy cheap and quick. Organising our restaurant with the same good and healthy food provides job for people as chefs who can teach everyone in the neighbourhood, through workshops. Together we have the responsibility to make the restaurant working for the community. In place of watching cooking programs on TV. These programmes simple, tell you that you don’t know how to cook! You can all participate in your own kitchen programme. You want to make a show, put a camera and watch afterwards with friends. Have fun! Don’t fight the TV, but the programs. Make your own programs. We are smart enough and organised. Instead of looking for work to earn more money, just to give this hard won money to the supermarket. To slowly kills your self through poor nutrition. All this because “I HAVE NO TIME.” Try a game with 10 friends. Organise a papa day with one of them, just one full car and not two half full cars, creating traffic jams and parking problems. Go to a farm. Make the shopping list for your 10 friends. Buy a big organic cheese, fruit, seeds, plants, vegetables, milk, yogurt, meat etc. (Some food are not necessary for our nutrition, but we can buy little beat for pleaser). Small info: milk is for veal, we are not. Dead meat for Hyenas, we are not. Thus just little beat some time would be ok. You get a good discount and your kids can play and discovery. Your car travel is not for one person any more. I’m sure we all would love to participate in these kinds of initiatives (games). Now in general in one family, we need 2 people, 2 days work to get the money for one week shopping for a family (4 pax). If you pay 25% less for your healthy food, minds only 4 days work a week! Hey!!! nice, here is some time for cooking. ok If in one company, 7 people change their behaviour, this you will creates jobs. For the owners it costs the same, the work is shared and the employees are healthier and happier. If you want to be rich you just have to make something for more people. Small changes bring results! In this way we also give the opportunity to the people who want to leave the cities come back to creating small farm. Now we can assure them, that 100% of what is produced goes to market at a fair price. We all throw away a huge of compost in Plastic bags. We only need one composter in every corner and someone to collect, bring at our friends farmer and come back with food or vice & versa. I know what a big majority off ignorant people say me. What we go to do with this all employees of food process, supermarket, big supplier etc. First we don’t need this food chain process. No no, it’s just a big lye. Two, the solution for those people, which for sure go to love it, I just explain it. The proof comes. We just have to start and believe it, make it the way you want it. Together, we are the solution. It is not option. Stop waiting the solution from someone else, creating her. Michel.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 06:02:53 +0000

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