just finished a briefing, and the situation is much worse than I - TopicsExpress


just finished a briefing, and the situation is much worse than I originally thought. Inside sources tell me that as early as Monday or Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will move to GUT the Senate filibuster and RAM through Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) nominees. . . . . . Cementing Big Labor’s takeover of this rogue agency -- setting our country on a path of no return. You and I must not allow Harry Reid to get away with this dangerous scheme. That’s why it’s critical you contact both your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and urge them to OPPOSE any attempt by Harry Reid to weaken or flat-out destroy the Senate filibuster. You can email your U.S. Senators by clicking HERE. As you know, Barack Obama’s NLRB has been rewriting American labor law to give Big Labor more power, more dues and more political clout. And should Harry Reid follow through with his plans to GUT the Senate filibuster and RAM through Barack Obama’s laundry list of Big Labor nominees, virtually every outrageous decision the union-label NLRB has issued in the last 16 months will be rubber stamped! David, the really bad news is, Harry Reid’s attempt to destroy the filibuster to confirm Barack Obama’s hand-picked nominees is about far more than just the NLRB. You see, Reid is planning to literally RIP UP the Senate rule book in order to force the confirmation of Obama’s illegal NLRB members. And if he gets away with flagrantly violating the Senate rules here, there will be NO stopping him anywhere. The truth is, if Harry Reid is allowed to break Senate rules to gut the filibuster for confirming nominees, it could pave the way for TOTAL destruction of the Senate filibuster. And this would be a disaster to say the least. So please contact your U.S. Senators at once. Just two years ago, the Senate filibuster prevented the potential forced unionization of virtually every police officer, fire fighter and EMT in the country. And if not for the Senate filibuster, the union bosses’ cherished “Card Check” bill -- which would have eliminated the secret ballot in union organizing campaigns -- would be the law of the land in America. For decades, the Senate filibuster has served as an indispensable tool in the countless battles you and I have won against the worst of Big Labor’s power grabs. When a union-label Congress and White House were all set to pass Ted Kennedy’s Pushbutton Strike Bill, it was the filibuster that let us block it. In 1978, Big Labor’s so-called “Labor Law Reform” power grab was fast-tracked by a union-label Congress, and Jimmy Carter was eater to sign them all into law. Only the Senate filibuster stopped this disaster from taking place. And all the way back to 1966, when Big Labor attempt to wipe out ALL State Right to Work Laws with one stroke by repealing Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act, once again it was the Senate filibuster that blocked their bill. Without the Senate filibuster, there would be no state Right to Work laws. And Big Labor would have the unchecked ability to run roughshod over every hard-working man and woman in America. Next week, those victories are all at risk should Harry Reid be allowed to gut the filibuster for Barack Obama’s hand-picked appointees. That’s why it’s critical you contact your U.S. Senators at once. Urge them to stand up to Harry Reid and defeat ANY attempt to weaken, water down or flat-out GUT the Senate filibuster. You can email your Senators by clicking HERE. And because this battle is so critical to the future of Right to Work in America, once you contact your Senators I hope you’ll chip in $10 or $20 to help alert millions of Americans to Harry Reid’s dangerous scheme. If we can raise the resources, over the weekend your Committee will aggressively contact up to 12 MILLION Americans through hard-hitting emails to alert them to the dangers we face should Harry Reid gut the filibuster. My staff has prepared a list of key Senators in 18 states that are vulnerable on this issue. But I must have the resources to generate a flood of grassroots opposition against Harry Reid’s rule-breaking scheme. I’m afraid that’s the only way you and I will win this fight and stop Harry Reid’s attempt to hand over the keys to our economy to Big Labor. So please, contact your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY. And if at all possible, I hope you’ll chip in $10 or $20 to help mobilize millions of Americans to this fight. Sincerely, Mark Mix P.S. Inside sources tell me that as early as Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will move to GUT the Senate filibuster and RAM through Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) nominees. You and I must not allow Harry Reid to get away with this dangerous scheme. That’s why it’s critical you contact both your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and urge them to OPPOSE any attempt by Harry Reid to weaken or flat-out destroy the Senate filibuster.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 01:19:14 +0000

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