kimdonaldcurtis-evangelist/ ANYONE READING THIS BE IN P R A Y E R - TopicsExpress


kimdonaldcurtis-evangelist/ ANYONE READING THIS BE IN P R A Y E R ==== DELIVERANCE We have forgotten our forefathers and the origin of the United States. The freedom of worship against the Church of England was the beginning of this established government we have in the United States. The sailing upon ships unto a hopeful land took a lot of strength, determination and independence. This came from the liberty to hold on to their personal religious beliefs. That liberty had come from Jesus which many have interpreted with so many different trains of thought. What stands out is their choice to blindly set sail because of their volition. This volition came from looking at the one of whom we still right down todays date about! The very instigation within those who did not approve of the ways of the Church of England began because of their way of viewing and understanding JESUS! We would not have this land if not for HIM! It is apparent that I am speaking history to you--is it not? The importance of todays date is an acknowledgement by many and yet is there an inquiry as to what this man did or said? How many people have looked into the one who begot this country? It is not realized by the educational curriculum but especially by historians for you cannot refute that we are in this land because of Jesus. Not to acknowledge this critical understanding in history is not logical nor scientific nor truthful! Respect for your parents is taught. Respect for the authorities in school and society legislations that we do daily as citizens is expected and should be yet the originator of this government was because of Christ. The whole world acknowledges that he lived on this earth--this country especially for the liberty begotten here has brought freedom of creativity inventing most of the worlds industrial age! There is a clue as to why America has more inventions and discoveries than other societies! The creative mind has been honored in this land by the liberty which rebelled against the Church of England! We have fought to worship the way we want to! We have set sail blindly having an un-dieing volition towards a new land, a new establishment with freedom of speech. Matthew 11:12 KJV And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force Some of these statements pending are in agreement with the revelation of light which has overcome the darkness: to become as a child and abide in the light, for “God is light and in HIM there is no darkness at all”. “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Notice the words “is the kingdom of Heaven”. Am I become without balance in life? Perhaps I am my career and have lost myself. Life is one tracked not having versatility: operating with a rigid plan unto success only, without time for “me”. Where am I now? Is there time for play, expression and inner joys? I could be snowballing into a big snowman, appealing: with a pinch of character, yet stagnant, without motion; without life. I have become separated from nature and my “me” as well! Tis true the troubles we have all had in our childhoods’ as well as our being spoiled (only some of us), but there are things we have to tend to concerning our hurt, rejected, maimed, abused, tormented, definitely oppressed child that may be within-- unloved and uncared for. Our social reaction, responses, willful rebellions, denials or hatred could have set in as a result of these childhood pains. To see our reaction to our early pains in life is very healing and can bring us to a new abiding. Some of us have responded to keep going and adapt while others of us choose to fight and take the bull by the horns. The latter I might add is what children naturally do---they fight for their lives! You can’t squash me I’m alive! I’m not losing my sense of play or my friends or any of my needed expressions. So much needed AND For what? Children love life and the relations of their friends. Children; yes children. Where did “play” go? Children prioritize, instinctively--human relationship, their being with their friends and “play”! The efforts to have the difference you want in your life can become an insinuating deception “Although I desire to do good yet evil is present” {Romans Chapter 7} Are you following an idea on how to get somewhere inwardly? Are you on the “path”…….? Perhaps there is a path of your own heart? “Where have all the flowers gone?”(Pete Seeger 1961). Is education part of the flowers? Who has the Master’s degree in flowering? Do we have our own reasoning to decipher and deduce our social responses and to even remember those days---we’ve all been through this---so let’s face our reaction to our early pains and be FREE! Yet the abiding with a friend or two enables us to walk in the born desire of friendship which in itself is a fulfillment of “love thy neighbor as thyself”. Don’t we all have a light of our own with its own spark? I’m not white and you’re not black, he’s not a genius and you’re not stupid. Who started this unruly segregation of humanity? I for one am going to preach life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, yet with the unwinding of our responses from our childhood; our social reaction to this cruel world. It’s a no wonder why Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world”! “Suffer the children to come unto me for theirs IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN” “UNLESS YOU BECOME LIKE A CHILD YOU SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN”! In another verse he said that those who enter the kingdom of heaven have to take it by force! Yes we have to be stern and protect this light of ours and not let it get snuffed out or let anything beguile us, usurp us or deceive us! It is so difficult not to be usurped by the snakes which are REAL. They are out to take for their own advantages; not to be friends! Having read the informing, timely, spirit message--it is pending we all prioritize inner growth just as it is important as needing to eat to live—-”the bread of life”—-for the bread enables the soul here to see and learn-- giving us our daily bread which is at hand for those whom deem necessary the “words of life”. Yet the words of eternal life are within our inner child which we have already received at birth-- the home of our hearts where our true light given is still there “in HIM was life and the life was the light of men”. The road to “becoming a child” again (or perhaps some of us being fortunate enough having never left abiding therein) has no methods but can only be personal; for our many hairs being of their own in number are individually not like anyone else! Shall we dance and work and give our love towards a new “we the people”? The whole population of the world having seen the “we the people” through over two centuries come to economical downfall among other things, may help and join our attempt to make freedom, life and the pursuit of happiness--become a mandate, as the day is NOW! This light has been given to us from birth as it is obvious to all mankind that we did not purpose ourselves here---we just suddenly are alive! “We the people” can be in the light-- “in HIM was life and the life was the light of men” and can give prayer to the powers that be--believing in spirit, interceding, shining light unto their souls-- if they will receive the spirit of truth--aiding in many transitions--henceforth otherwise revolution again--but no such a thing is going to happen! The light dissipates the dark without effort, as water ends fire. If we have been blessed to let in and receive the Love of this one who has said “greater love hath no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friends”! For HE loves us! We simply need to see this personally for our own souls--not to be correct scripturally but actually feel HIS spirit come into us---“the comforter” providing the revelation--“He that the Son of Man hath set free shall be free indeed”! The craving that children have to be with their friends and play can now be transferred to sharing Christ within HIS body building one another up unto “the glorious manifestations of the Sons of God”. We desire now to feed our brother the word unto the light of the world-Jesus! “But we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like HIM; for we shall see HIM as HE is!! Christ is coming in HIS bride within-- then without; and the kingdom of Heaven is at hand for the taking for whom-so-ever will…. Let HIM take of the word of life freely. Yet the inward little child which we all have-- needs, and has feelings, which cannot be covered by the “church-life” or covered by the worlds ways, or our ways; this is why Jesus hath said “unless you ARE CONVERTED and become as a child” for we cannot ignore our feelings whatsoever if we are of God. This is what the spirit of truth also is for: To “rightly dividing the word of truth” unto scripture revelations; yet to unfold our emotions and deal with them as part of truth--it is written “He shall lead you and guide you into all truth” referring to the comforter the Holy Spirit! Another leads us to inward truth is: “Love thy neighbor as thyself”! How can we love our neighbor if we do not know ourselves? Our society does not emphasize within our educational system, any understanding within! It is knowledge and academic achievement only. Psychology is needed at the elementary level drastically and is part of what inwardly goes on when fulfilling the second commandment! Although there can of course be an “overbalanced” worship of self-growth without recognizing God! If we are zealous believers, we could also become overbalanced unto the revelation of Christ; forgetting our inner child, as Jesus has made it such a mandatory qualification stating: “Pray for your enemies, so that you can be children of your father in Heaven”—notice he says “SO THAT”! Likewise HE uses the word “UNLESS” you become like a child! Observing feelings, becomes irrelevant and shoved down and we can be so eager to “gain Christ” we can become machines of repetitious ZEAL for Christ; forgetting the child within! Do we ever pray “Lord help me with my emotions this day? There needs to be sight of this in the church! The authority in the bride of Christ is truly to bare one another’s burdens to manifest and fulfill the law of Christ which is HIS spirit manifested within us. Yet the birth of this Nation was upon independence and therefore we have independent churches—among our nation. This land, unfortunately, is divided by many Christians. The emphasis is not upon HIM but academically inspired knowledge again! You cannot take the educational emphasis of mental academics and interpret the bible! The spirit of truth is different than our conditioning from school! Therefore-- we have independent churches after the knowledge of the scriptures rather than JESUS himself! Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. “It is written “the law of Christ” in Galatians yet there is much of something else abiding! Not the baring of one another’s burdens as is written; which is the law of CHRIST!! Lastly the emphasis upon intelligence and academic gain from our educational system has been instilled in many; the priority of knowledge rather than the “spirit of truth”. For it states power “to become Now, being brought to the bible-- a tainted mind dissuaded from seeking the spirit of truth has been influenced by knowledge from the Angel of Light!!! In Jesus is the “KEY OF KNOWLEDGE” which is------------L O V E! Any knowledge pertaining to Christ must be begotten by HIS SPIRIT not the knowledge of HIM. Have you received the love within your heart that he loves you? This is what is a true Christian having received HIM and yet still:: “But as many as received him, to them gave HE power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” After receiving HIM what do we do with HIM inwardly? ” the sons of God. Therefore “But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” “God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” “For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.”. “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” R E F E R E N C E S: “Where have all the flowers gone” Pete Seeger, 1961 Holy bible verses (King James) and quotes from Jesus
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:52:09 +0000

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