lets see if this will post before my puter throws another tantrum! - TopicsExpress


lets see if this will post before my puter throws another tantrum! haha so yup,i got married :) :) :) :) looked like rain might put a bit of a dampener on the day but it stayed away till 4am and then became a fairly major dampener to those outside in a tent! haha....but it was pretty much the wedding we wanted,low key with close family and friends. the ceremony was at on top of a hill on the farm....better make that a mountain actually,the kids have named it mount rock ;) i was over the moon,i married the woman i love and sandra endeared herself even more to my family when she allowed the dockers game to be watched later on after the ceremony!! well,aside from kerry who hates football then off to perth for a night at kims before off to perth airport the next day to catch a plane to melbourne en route to fiji. while checking we had all our stuff after landing in melbourne we realised that we were missing our wallet with all our ID and bankcards. oops! haha was gonna cost a fortune to catch a different flight the next day so jumped on the plane to fiji with fingers crossed that we could sort it out when we got there or use said fingers to wash SHITLOADS of dishes at the fiji hotel! haha after a long first day in nadi we got it sorted,(money wire),and caught the transfer bus to our resort. thankfully sandra slept most of the 90 minute drive to the resort because fiji drivers are INSANE and im not sure she could have handled much more stress at that point! haha its true,the people of fiji would be the nicest,most easy going,friendly people on the planet but they do seem to believe that you really shouldnt check for oncoming traffic when you overtake,just pull out and figure it out from there! the resort was awesome,sandra picked very very very well!!! :) we didnt do a whole lot while we were there,just stepped into a world of sleeping in till we wake up,breakfast,lunch and dinner,(best fruit on the planet in fiji ;)),by the resort pool surrounded by the locals who seem to have all caught the friendly disease :) tons of highlights,im sure sandras was the horses who would wander up and down the beach. the three fiji blokes who wandered around the resort with 2 guitars and a ukelele were pretty damn cool too. but my highlight was when sandra got her hair braided at a little hut near the resort,a taxi driver had recommended it. so we go in there and sandra tells this big fiji bloke that she wants her hair braided,he says no problem and tells us to take a seat,he just needs a few minutes. he then walks outside the hut and starts bellowing something at the mountain across the road from the hut. silence for a couple of minutes then he shouts at the mountain again. and again. but this time the mountain talks back!! a few minutes later a ricketty old bus stops outside the hut....it seems sandras hair braider lives at the top of the mountain and that was her call to come in to work!! haha a brilliant honeymoon with my wife. in fact,id say perfect,if we didnt have the wallet dramas that wouldve been a story untold. the tale of singapore with the kids will follow when i find some more time ;) though im sure you all stopped reading long ago,its been a LONG post! haha
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:02:32 +0000

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