livingwaters “If Christianity isnt a religion, then why do - TopicsExpress


livingwaters “If Christianity isnt a religion, then why do Christians sound defensive and get their backs…? The bottom line is that Christianity still checks off all the boxes for religion: a holy book, religious symbols and rituals, tax-exempt churches...I mean no offence when I say this, but I believe knowingly playing fast-and-loose with words is a form of dishonesty.” Madeleine Tudor There’s a good reason why Christians (as opposed to religious people) shudder with offense when we are called “religious.” When Jesus preached His first sermon in His home town of Nazareth religious people tried to kill Him. Scripture records that the religious leaders of His day tried to take His life ten times before He freely gave it at the cross. Throughout each of the gospels He calls them snakes and hypocrites, and other wonderfully descriptive politically incorrect names. It was religious people who stoned the prophets of God, crucified the Son of God, murdered the Apostles, and shed the blood of millions of Christians down through history. And it is the “religious” who are steeped in self-righteousness, resist the gospel of God’s grace, use religion for their own political gain, are guilty of pedophilia, and cling to empty pomp and ceremony. So call me every filthy name under the sun, hate me, mock me and spit on me, and I won’t be offended. But don’t call me “religious,” because religious I am not.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 05:00:00 +0000

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