ok ladies and gentlemen I would like to discuss post traumatic - TopicsExpress


ok ladies and gentlemen I would like to discuss post traumatic stress disorder and its effects on not only myself but all of our troops......did you know that a couple of years ago we lost more troops to their own self suicide than we did to our enimies in Iraq afganistahn etc....across the whole world.....a lot of that had to do with jobs and the economy not to mention....we have been at war as a nation since 1992....I was born in 1987........everyone else lived in a society that we helped keep safe and free from tyranny....and when our people came home they were literaly shit on to the fact that this war was literally compared as THE URBAN VIETNAM......now I know personally a two time purple heat veteran of nom whom just the other day saved a veteran of the Portsmouth police department from being murdered....and was almost shot by another police officer whom pulled up to the scene after the fact.....THIS MAN IS MY MOTHERS HUSBAND WHOM HAS SACRAFICED HIS BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS FOR THIS COUNTRY JUST TO ALMOST BE KILLED BY THE VERY PEOPLE HE PAYS TAXES TO PROTECT HIM WHOM HE PROTEECTED.....WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT OF WHAT ONE OF OUR PREVIOSE PRESIDENTS HAS SAID .....EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN FAIL TO ACT......I THINK THAT PEOPLE SHOULD PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PRIVATE FIRST CLASS DANNY BEECHER.... FOR ACTS OF HEROISM AND SELFLESSNESS...AND THAT PEOPLE SHOULD RECOGNISE VETERANS NOT AS MERCANARIES BUT AS PATRIOTS.....OF HONER INTEGRITY AND RESPECT!!!!! NO MATTER WHAT THEY HAD TO DO ....WHAT A MAN HAS TO DO.... DOESNT MAKE A MAN WHO HE IS....GOOD JOB MR.DANNY BEECHER AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICES NOT ONLY TO MY MOTHER BUT TO YOUR COUNTRY....NEIGHBORHOOD AND YOUR FAMILY.ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHOM CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF SOCIETIES IN ITSSELF....GLAD TO SEE YOU MADE IT HOME THEN AND NOW.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 05:41:23 +0000

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