radar on ISIS Pentagon readying for long war in Iraq, Syria - Of - TopicsExpress


radar on ISIS Pentagon readying for long war in Iraq, Syria - Of course WE have already been told this, it will be going on long after POTUS Obama is out of office. U.S. Central Command, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin cautioned against expecting quick progress. He said he cannot predict how long it will take to right a wobbly Iraqi army and build a viable opposition ground force in Syria. General Austin stated, The campaign to destroy ISIL [ISIS] will take time, and there will be occasional setbacks along the way, particularly in these early stages of the campaign as we coach and mentor a force (in Iraq) that is actively working to regenerate capability after YEARS OF NEGLECT [by the Iraqis] AND POOR LEADERSHIP [by POTUS and his girl, Hillary Clinton; and boy, John Kerry]. OUR Pentagon is preparing to set up a more formally organized command structure, known in military parlance as a joint task force, to lead and coordinate the campaign from a forward headquarters, perhaps in Kuwait [WTF is wrong with you people, WE dont need to know these details or hints regarding them.]. On Wednesday, [10/15/2014] it formally named the campaign Operation Inherent Resolve. [To bad the resolve regarding Iraq disappeared for ~5 years in which time the Iraqi military went to hell in a hand-basket.] [WTF is wrong with you people? Have you forgotten what OPSEC is all about? It is NOT NECESSARY for US to be told operational details, but it is for sure ISIS loves to be told to help them prepare their strategies, etc.] As of Thursday, 10/16/2014, the U.S. had launched nearly 300 airstrikes in Iraq [WE dont need to know this.] and nearly 200 in Syria [WE dont need to know this, either.], and allies had tallied fewer than 100 [this reads like a slam to OUR allies and WE dont need to know or read this.], according to Central Command. Those figures dont capture the full scope of the effort because many airstrikes launch multiple bombs on multiple targets [WE dont need to know this, either.]. Central Command said that as of Wednesday, U.S. and partner-nation air forces had dropped nearly 1,400 munitions [Again, WTF is wrong with you people, WE dont need to know these details, and let ISIS figure it out without your providing it for them.]. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments wrote this week on the centers website, In the end, no matter the reason, the timorous use of air power against Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria is unlikely to reduce the territory under their control, curb the brutal murder of innocent civilians or prevent the creation of a sanctuary for an enemy that has sworn to continue its fight on a more global scale. [Not very encouraging and to be expected from such experts. God save US from the experts. OUR government is full of them too, especially OUR Congress.] Others, for political reasons take a different stance: Sen. Angus King, I-Maine said after being briefed at the OUR. air operation center at al-Udeid air base in Qatar, The air war is really degrading their infrastructure. At some point in the next several months, they are not going to have tanks, they are not going have (U.S.-made mine-resistant vehicles), they are not going have the stuff that they stole from the Iraqis. They are going to have AK-47s. He thinks at that point Iraqi and U.S.-trained Syrian opposition fighters can make inroads. [Well, duh! Certainly hope so, you think?]
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:07:23 +0000

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